Thomas Partey (5)

Looked MUCH better in the city cameo and last night than he did in the Cameos pre international break.


Partey being able to start to protect Riceā€™s legs is a fantastic situation to be in.

When Partey is available, we have outstanding depth in this critical position.

We really, really boost our chances of securing a trophy this season if Partey stays fit for the last 10-13 games.


Heā€™s still not up to speed, but what an option to have. El Nenny was our Partey last season. Now, we can give Rice or Jorginho a rest by playing arguably our best midfielder instead.

I need to see the Partey, Rice, Odegaard midfield at some stage though.


Now heā€™s back people starting to see selling this guy for 15-20m would be a waste of time :slightly_smiling_face:

Wouldnā€™t get anywhere near his quality as a replacement.

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Letā€™s see him stay healthy for more than a week.


But that isnā€™t what would happen, is it? Weā€™d spend properly if we wanted true FT replacement like Zubimendi regardless of whether we sell him or not. But relying on him in serious way as starter is probably unwise.

Well exactly, we should buy the replacement anyway and then phase out Partey (and Jorginho) but right now both still have a lot to offer as well. More than 15-20m worth.

If thereā€™s anything Iā€™ve learnt from being a football fan itā€™s that itā€™s not always worth hoping for the best midfield on paper to ever do the business on the pitch because they either never live up to the hype or they never get the chance too because of injuries lol

Was it LMAO that got to play one or two games together in the entire time they were at Arsenal? Or something like that. And when they did they werenā€™t that special.

Iā€™ll happily just stick with Rice, Jorginho and Odegaard who have absolutely done the business for us this season and just be happy with whatever minutes Partey gets haha


Partey is not the starting choice for Mikel anymore, which is just perfect for his fragile body. Heā€™ll probably only play 1 game in a week and that should keep him match fit, while managing his workload.

If we are to achieve anything special this season, weā€™ll need contributions from the likes of him, ESR, Nketiah (shudder) etc.

What a cameo by Partey. Top class.

His defensive header in like the 92nd minute was suspect. Still looks rusty to me. When heā€™s in top form, heā€™s unplayable but when he isnā€™t, I donā€™t really trust him.

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Think he was being sarcastic. Partey had a STINKER


He was the one that made the pass to Saka for that penalty shout.

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Trash in his cameo tonight tbf.

Yeah it wasnā€™t his greatest 10 mins.

I felt oddly very worried about a bad giveaway when we had Partey and Zinchenko dictating play in the middle of the pitch at the end.

Neither is really up to speed and in form right now. But I also donā€™t trust either as much as Jorginho not to give the ball away cheaply in a bad spot.

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Guy is just terrible since coming back. No energy, no engagement. Might have overpaid for him but its time to cut the losses. Every time he is put in now you know things are going to get only worse.

Partey coming off the bench is a huge plus. Still showed some moments of supreme composure on the ball and some breaking lines passes. Sadly, there was a lot of shit in there as well!

It was an excellent pass, and had Saka score the goal, it would have made up for all the poor passes he played prior to that.
We need him to be match fit asap.

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Partey may get exposed in Europe for being too high-risk, but he is a wonderful reserve option for the league.

And when Partey shakes off the rustiness, his press dodging turns and line splitting passes will lead to goal opportunities.

The speed and intensity of Bayernā€™s press was exceptional yesterday. Tuchel got his team right up for it.

Partey will have a big, positive role to play in any success we potentially get this season. No doubt.