The weather

Bulgaria mate

Ahh I’ve been there. Golden Sands resort. Near Varna

Yeah no surprise there, it’s either Golden Sands or Sunny beach for the British summer tourist :smile: but GS is a bit more uphill, Sunny beach is where the trashy women and drunk yoof go. I was actually near Golden Sands just a few hours ago, there are much better resorts in the area.

Lol I was there in about 97. You could still tell it was part of the old Soviet bloc back then. Must have changed bucket loads in the last 20 years

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It’s going to be lit…literally?

A few funnel clouds seen around this area today. Fortunately, they’re not developing and touching down.

its. fucking. roastin. :fearful:


According to last year you really liked some roasting.

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Supposed to be 32 on Saturday :hot_face:

Perfect weather in London - it’s 40+ in Dubai at the moment which is gonna be tough when I land next week. :cold_sweat:

Currently in Nice where it’s been about 35+ every day. Not that I’m complaining too much as it beats the relentless fucking cloud that we get in England


25 degrees is officially past the too hot threshold.

I recently had a stone floor fitted and fuck me it’s a lifesaver.


Wonderful post by the best poster on OA.


It’s just cold for June/July:

My heart bleeds for you, it really does man :cold_face:

I’ve just come back from 37 degrees and I was f’ckin Goldilocks in that environment

The best damn weather we’ve had all year incredible basking in this sun :sunny:


Fuck you all its thunder, lightning and torrential rain here lol


I sat outside in my garden for fifteen minutes and had to come back inside. Can’t cope hahaha

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