The Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Can see @Forever pulling a Columbo on a Russian soldier

“Just one more thing…”

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Here’s the thing. I don’t blindingly trust the media. You thinking that is becoming very tedious now. You continue to express yourself as if you are the one to be convinced about what’s true or not? Your links are also from the media and yes I’ve read them too. I however also choose to take eye witnesses into account. How many people do you know who’ve actually been to Ukraine since the war started? Have you heard the stories face to face? So keep posting your links that evidently proves everything :man_facepalming:t3:

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How many people have you actually met who have been witnesses to the bucha killings?

I still have relatives in Ukraine at this moment. My cousin is in Poland he couldn’t go back to attend his mother’s funeral last week. If he goes back he will be drafted to fight and he doesn’t want to. Because he holds different views. It doesn’t end well for people who hold different views and there are countless of Ukrainians killed by Ukrainians for not blindly supporting this proxy war.

I don’t have time now but I have some media to share about the other side you won’t see in the west.

The narrative being pushed by western media is extremely tendentious and highly biased this time around.

And again, I never ever claim Russian media doesn’t lie or peddle an agenda. They most certainly do as well but for goodness sake the west makes Goebbels proud with the onslaught of narrative shaping propaganda peddled.

This is one of those no context things which Russia loves to use as its propaganda against the west.

The UK was hosting the security council in April and had called a meeting for Tuesday to discuss the war crimes. Russia (after it had been scheduled for Tuesday) requested to discuss it on Monday. UK as host of the council basically said fuck off we’re the host and we have scheduled it for Tuesday.

Now we see Russia bots and pro Russia / Anti West on Twitter love to push the false line that the UK dosnt want a review into war crimes despite the fact they already discussed it at the council lol.

Glad that you picked up on this as an independent crusader for the truth. You position yourself as someone whose unbiased and cutting through the bullshit but you toe the party’s line as much if not more than others.

I’m sorry but how can you criticise mainstream media as unreliable but then use the Morningstar to push your own narrative, I mean it’s a staggering level of hypocrisy.


I don’t know what Morningstar is. In fact never heard of it before until now. I suppose it’s not a great source sensing from your reaction. And I can criticize mainstream media because they are full of hypocrisy and agenda peddling lies themselves as has been shown and proven over and over.

Your post in General News feels apt here…

Seems the critical lens you apply to MSM is absent when the article in question fits the angle you’re pursuing in questioning all Western narratives surrounding this issue.


My critical lens isn’t absent at all. I don’t say with certainty it is that way. I share with you different sources and different narratives.

Because the narrative peddled in the western media is absolutely beyond any proportions and reality.

Western media has consequently lied about Russian interference in American politics where nothing has been proven. They just post an article and plant a seed and once it turns out what they posted is a nonsense we see no rectifications. None.

Western media portrays Russians as some subhuman monsters and people like @Cristo are transparently Russophobic because of it. This guy hasn’t even set foot inside Russia yet has a very strong opinion about Russia and it’s people and society. He is wrong on most accounts and strongly hyperbolic at the least.

Now these Bucha killings the narrative there stinks from all sides and I have delivered plenty of argument and evidence to support this. It still doesn’t mean I say with certainty it wasn’t the Russians or it was the Ukraine nazi fascists. But there is a possibility.

Ukraine has been consequently silencing dissenters. Outright killing them. Before the war even western media wrote about it. As I have shared with you.

Now all western media are silent and suddenly Ukraine has no nazis and are an angelic country.

The truth is far from it and I know it from my relatives who are Ukrainian. Still living there.

What exactly have you contributed to this thread besides cherry picking my posts? You came once before asking me about the video I posted and I translated it for you. After that crickets from you and powder finger alike.

Come with some proper evidence and arguments for your case.

In every thread I go against the grain I say. Don’t trust me. Don’t believe me. But don’t believe what suits you either, because all are agenda driven propaganda. And western media is elite tier in it.

You’re so spectacularly full of shit and hubris lol

If other people take stories at face value or whatever, or disagree with you, like you did with Ocke yesterday, you basically accuse them of being gullible idiots who will swallow literally anything the media feeds them.

But then you share fucking nonsense that you clearly didnt bother to actually critically assess and when thats pointed out to you, you totally swerve the bit about the information being false and just say “oh I dont know that outlet, I’ll take your word for it”

So yes, your critical lens is absent when the news fits your agenda of “just asking questions man”. Did you interrogate the report that all, no, you just shared it because it fit what you want to say.

Other people are gullible idiots who swallow anything the media tells them, yet you do the same thing and somehow still think you’re better than everyone else on this front.


This is what I meant earlier in the thread when I said @Forever ’s “critical intellectual devils advocate” shtick is a disingenuous cover for his real agenda.


I didn’t check the recent source to death indeed. That’s my bad, but the rest you write is a gross manipulative misrepresentation of my interactions here. And nowhere did I ever claim I am the way you portray me now. I do not. Liam to be better than anyone else in this front. That’s a lie. If you can’t understand my point about not trusting any media, this is your problem.

And what agenda would that be you hyperbolic russophobe.

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I mean it’s pretty fucking clear lol

I have no doubt that the massacres in Ukrainian towns are perpetrated by Russians. The eye witness accounts of Ukrainian civilians on the news are simply horrific but somehow I am expected to beleive the BBC is part of some Russophobic conspiracy and that it’s Ukrainians massacaring and raping their own people, not the Russian invaders. Next we’ll be told the shelled wrecks of cities like Mariupol are made up or that the shelling has been done by the Ukrainian army at this rate.

We see Russia telling false truths every step of the way as Putin abolishes any dissenting media and kills his opponents, so putting a few arm bands on people they have murdered or photo shopping them on is easily done.

Nuanced or critical thinking is not the problem here. Coming out with statements that Putin was somehow forced into this dreadful invasion is all we need to know to see there is a campaign of false information going on here from one side of the argument and I know which side my money is on.

I am starting to wonder if Russia pays a small army of people to spend their days putting out false nonsense all over social media platforms as you just can’t make up some of the nonsense spoken on here with any other logical narrative.

My hope is that somehow there is a way to peace before this escalates and causes so many more deaths and havoc.


@Forever Russia bad brought to you by the same media, that said Iraq war good, Afghanistan war good, trump Russia gate, Biden laptop Russian disinformation, covid so deadly it can wipe out life and nearly a century climate change (global cooling, global warming)

The news never lies until you don’t need to know what’s happening👍🏾


By all means, point out some people who have said this. We’ll wait.

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Guess you don’t understand sarcasm then reply guy.

Or you’re just really shit at it


You are replying to something directed at nobody yet you like such a little bitch you had to reply, as per usual.

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Is there a rule about what I’m allowed to respond to I’m unaware of?

You’re the one getting upset that I’m responding. :slight_smile:


In defence of @shamrockgooner Irish people are the kings and queens of sarcasm