The randomly nothing thread

It’s ok @Electrifying I didn’t get it either


It’s not OK. It’s very far from OK.



I heard about QAnon but don’t know what it’s all about.

I just see what’s happening with Epstein etc. And of course the morons that are in charge worldwide.

Saw it first hand here in Glasgow. These dumb fucks having a jolly as the world burns.

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It’s the conspiracy theorist (or theorists, the identity of the person/people posing as Q hasn’t been discovered) that inspired the riots/insurrection at the Capitol building post Biden/Trump election. It alleges that Clinton and other Democrats are paedophile cannibals that running a child exploitation ring from the basement of a pizza joint. That’s where it started anyway, but it had loads to say generally about the “deep state”, which fed into claims that the vote was being stolen.

I thought it was pretty hard to miss what Qanon was all about if you follow American politics or the most recent election specifically but it genuinely seems I might have been wrong given several people didn’t understand the reference lol

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There were two Q.
The second one is more or less identified. There is a documentary(Q: Into the Storm) on it.

I listened to an Amazon exclusive podcast about it fairly recently, in which they didn’t get to the bottom of it. Not sure I wanna take another deep dive into that mad world, to the extent of watching a full documentary on it lol, but I’ll have a little look about online to see if it has been confirmed now.

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How the hell did you guys end up so far on the left? Was everyone answering all the questions with “strongly agree” and “strongly disagree”? :rofl:

I ended up there because that’s exactly where I belong, not so sure if the same applies to others on here :grin:


I’d say I was about 80% agree/disagree. Rare i could strongly agree/disagree with the statements as posed.

Edit: agree with Jakey there, it got me pretty spot on.


So no one is gonna comment on OA having a resident Stalin in @Midfield_Maestro?


I didn’t fully understand some of the questions :laughing: but this is what I ended up with.

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Still love you lot even if your all a bunch of left wing commies :rofl::joy:


Screenshot 2021-11-15 at 14.49.04

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You would be lot more left leaning if you weren’t so anti gay rights.

People are stupid and need to be ruled with an iron fist.


I haven’t done the test but I will at some point, reckon I’ll be centre-right at a guess, was probably centre-left when I was in my early 20s.


Hope your user title is factually correct @shamrockgooner :wink:


Of course. I would never lie about something so important. :rofl:


Going to the hospital. Having a baby today. What a weird thing to write! :laca2:

See you turkeys on the other side.