The randomly nothing thread

Wow this match is shit. Spurs up 3 nil, wish United was on instead.

Damn this was for the PL match thread.

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Not lasting long our Roy now.

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Your a liar if you say no but I still like being married. Kids take away the chance anyway as your never going to have that single life revision.
Maybe different without any tbf.

And that brings me to the question: when do you truly decide to bring in a new human being into the mixture? I ask this as I’m 8+ months married and can’t even imagine myself building a family. Not due to financial or any similar issues, I’m doing fine, though not lavish or anything. just don’t feel I’m ready for a ‘family’ yet. Also, I don’t like children while the wife does. And I’m 32. Friends my age literally have grandchildrens ffs.


It’s one of them things I’d advise you not to compromise on if it’s not what you want. Kids and I’ve got 3 good ones are a game changer in your relationship.
They will give you your highest highs and lowest lows at times.
Sometimes you don’t get enough honesty off people who have kids. They can be hard work in ways you don’t imagine. Don’t get me wrong they will give you some of the greatest pleasures that are truly humbling. I can only suggest you talk it through with her and your closest friends or family.
List your reasons on paper and address them to yourself and see where that leaves you for now.
No reason to feel any guilt if you don’t want children. They really aren’t for everyone. If you do great the rest will probably come easier as the decision will have been made in the right circumstances.
There’s no right or wrong answer here.


I’ve never wanted to be single since I met my wife but I do have a kid now and he’s basically ruining my life.

As soon as I sit on the toilet I get “when are you going to be done shitting, I need you to watch the boy”. This used to be my time ffs.

It’s a much bigger adjustment than I was anticipating and this is 8 months in and I’m someone that really wanted kids, so if you have doubts then yeah, definitely don’t compromise!


Lol, man I kinda feel bad for you. Iirc you already have made a post about feeling like you should be single, and now u mention that ur wife wants a family and u don’t hold the same aspirations. What moved you to get married exactly? Sorry not to be a dick but it seems to me maybe you’ve rushed into this one without thinking it over all that much?

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Seems women change more drastically than us men after marriage. My wife, whom I’ve known for the last 5 years, was pretty neutral about having a kid, but after you get married, women tend to start looking forward to starting a family more than us, or may be that’s just me. She’s not trying to force me or anything into it. It’s just she sounds a bit more serious when talking about kids than she did in the past is all.


Spot on. That’s what i feel. Nothing right or wrong here. Whatever you do, just needs to feel right for yourself i guess.


Not content with just saving our defence. Kieran, Rob and Hector have just had their promo pictures taken for Celebrity X Factor where they have entered as a three piece boyband

Yes they do, in some cases I guess. Gotta learn to live with it. In ur case tho if u already feel like u are meant to be single, and ur already seeing all these potential stumbling blocks in ur marriage, red flags only 8 months in…I dunno brother it might make sense before you get to deep to really contemplate ur future.


No good talking about it on here though mate. My experience is that most things can be overcome but hard work is needed. Not an easy talk to start…

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I was exceptionally broody in my late 20s and early 30s, one relationship ended because of it and then I was fortunate enough to meet someone who could deal with me for a few years before I eventually calmed down :laughing:

When you say “calmed down” do you just mean you’re less broody and desperate to have kids, or that you’ve changed your mind about having kids?

I’ve always held a similar view to @Cristo about kids (well maybe not quite as strong) but it didn’t matter because as a woman A) your hormones make you batshit crazy/obsessive about the idea B ) many/nearly all of your friends get pregnant and start sharing idyllic family photos every 5 minutes and C) general societal pressure to conform and provide grandchildren to adoring grandparents

So you feel like you can’t escape and accept what you actually want. But then one day you meet someone with the same thoughts as you and It helps ease A) quite a bit, come to terms with B ) and maybe a helpful sibling takes care of C) for you


You dated a 19 year old when you were 25?

America gave her a network TV show. :grimacing:

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As for the topic, the thought of marriage and kids scare the fuck out of me.
I have just started to earn decent and start exploring the world. Marry and you have to deal with leave syncing with your partner. Have a child and be poor again.

I do like the idea of being the father and raising an undiplomatic shit stirrer who is a great athlete.

Also I see this friend of mine and dread the idea of your existence being defined by just one aspect of your life.

Yeah I heard the news and apparently the first episode was all about skin color and jokes on white folks.
I couldn’t see it coming.

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