The Queen

I’m sure I read that her funeral will be a day of national mourning, but that employers won’t be obliged to give you the day off.

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She’s probably just feeling a bit under weather after meeting Liz Truss.

Honestly, it’s actually fascinating what goes down.

Even commercial radio stations like Heart have these blue lights called “Obit lights” that will be activated when she dies to let them know to stop playing music and turn over to the news.

Hospital radio stations have specific playlists they’re allowed to play when it happens and the days after etc.

The BBC will initiate the RATS system to send out the alerts which is a Cold War era system meant to broadcast in the event of a nuclear strike and which has never been used before etc.

It’s pretty mad how much planning there is for her death.

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Oh also, apparently if Radio 1 starts playing Hainted Dancehall nursery remix by Sabres of Paradise - then it’s happened

I’m not sure what happens in these situations.
Fireworks perhaps? :grinning:

Yep. All media outlets have a plan. Already had loads of emails go round today at my work. All publications in the main company I work for already have an issue/flow of content in place for when the Queen dies. And the website I work on has a content plan in place. Typically, I’m supposed to be working on it later today. Will be interesting.


Apparently ITV has 11 days of coverage and all the tv outlets rehearse death coverage for the key royals every so often.


I know the BBC won’t show any comedy for the entire 12 days of mourning. Wasn’t sure about ITV. At least we have Netflix.

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Looking forward to British monarchy fans prostrating and weeping hysterically as if Kim Jong-il had just died.



People have already started to gather outside Balmoral

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Watched this after Philip died. But this operation is massive.

Intresting that if dies in scotland that her coffin will come down to london via train with the train stopping at every station on way down so morners can give their respect.

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At least the fans of Mrs Brown’s Boys will still be able to watch their favourite programme then. :grinning:


Looking forward to reading Daily Mail and S*n articles about how Meghan drove the Queen to her death. All the strain and stress she caused. And Piers Morgan running a campaign to permanently ban Meghan from the UK. All her fault the bitch

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You know, this was genuinely my first thought too. But I didn’t want to say it incase it seemed insensitive :sweat_smile:

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Can someone start a new thread on this subject?

I’ve noticed massively long threads cause longer loading time.

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Moblize the lads together. Time to go boys. Wipe down the guns. The time is now.

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Don’t ruin the moment. He’s out for 3 weeks

Getting sacked in the morning. Celtic at home Saturday.