The Labour Party

Keir Starmer is in no universe a “leftist”.

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It’s basically anti-semitic to say anything about Israel that isn’t lavishing them with praise.


I love how reporting the truth about Israel is now considered Anti-Semitism. The US and Israeli forces do train together.

If you had a Palestinian Lives Matter movement, they’d be calling Anti-Semitism. Well they already do I suppose

Saw this piece from last year:

Open records requests have forced program leaders to reveal some of its content topics, including border policing, community policing, and urban policing.

Activists in Georgia are pushing for an end to Atlanta’s police exchange program. Seventy local organizations and leaders—including our organizations, Jewish Voice for Peace-Atlanta and Project South—are demanding that Atlanta get out of these deadly police exchanges.

Among other objections, activists point to Israel’s clear record of human rights abuses and state violence toward Palestinians, Jews of color, and African refugees. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 2018 brought a 69 percent increase over the previous year in Israeli settler violence toward Palestinians, and a rise in Palestinian deaths and injuries in Gaza. In the year since 2018 Great March of Return demonstrations began, more than 190 Palestinians were killed and 28,000 were injured by Israeli Forces.

Regardless of how the Israeli government coalition is shaped after its recent elections, its two largest parties show no indication of ending the fifty-two year Israeli military occupation of Palestine, nor its militarized tactics to control the Palestinian population.

This systematic repression of Palestinians by Israel warrants the U.S. public’s refusal to accept such training programs for their police departments. Racism and violence are endemic problems to police departments around the country, and the influence of Israeli military police trainings only threatens to exacerbates the problem.

I wouldn’t call what she wrote anti-semitic but unless there’s clear evidence of that Israeli law enforcement liaised with MPD specifically and that Derek Chauvin was a recipient of that training, it makes no sense to implicate Israel as partly complicit in the death of George Floyd.

I can see the broader issue of Israeli equipment and techniques being taught to US Law enforcement but why apply it specifically to the George Floyd situation? It was a poorly made broad point but not anti-semitic imo

I would echo that sentiment it a poorly constructed argument based on no facts. There has been 0 studies into this subject so why she thought it best to mention it I do not know. But it’s no way antisemitic but god labour are setting the bar low for antisemitism

The piece I posted was from September 2019. Israeli police have an inhumane record worse than Americas. So having exchange programs with them isn’t a particularly good idea regardless of whether they were the source of this one technique.

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So even if it’s wrong to say that that specific technique involving kneeling wasn’t taught to their police by Israel, it is true that police forces all over the United States do receive training from Israel, so its not like this actor was making an absolutely outlandish claim that didn’t at least bear some sort of relation to the facts.

Where is the antisemitic conspiracy theory here?

And if someone criticises Israeli police training methods, or criticises the US for receiving training from them, then that’s antisemitic? If someone criticised Nigerian policing and said another country shouldn’t receive training from them, I wouldn’t say that they’re being racist against black people, or that it’s an anti Black conspiracy theory, it’d be a ridiculous claim based on that statement alone.

Someone needs to help me understand because it looks like someone said something critical about Israel and that’s being called antisemitic. I honestly thought that conflating the actions of Israel and Jewish people was considered to be antisemitic, surely that’s exactly what is being done when the Israeli state is being criticised and people label that as being antisemitic, as if it’s Jewish people as a group who have been criticised and not the nation state of Israel.


Between the horrific Tory clownshow looting the public for everything they can manage, the gammons backing them up, and these crazy, holier than thou FBPE types accusing you of being Goebbels if you’ve not got your tongue firmly inside Bibi’s arsehole, this country is so far gone it’s unreal.


Politicians may as well give up on Twitter if they’re required to fact check every line of every article they read in the mainstream media before sharing it. It’s not like this is some obscure lefty website and they already tried to highlight that it may be incorrect.

It surely can’t be for that.

The Corbyn project wasn’t strong enough in standing up to the anti-Semitism smears so now it’s curtains on that front. Critique of Israel is quite literally anti-Semitism. It’s a double blow for Starmer in terms of membership as BAME and hard left quit in droves, but he wont mind that, he’ll get his party back.

I have little sympathy for RLB though, her crowd have been calling for people to get fired and no platformed etc. for far too long and we now live in a culture where the once fabulous Stewart Lee gag, these days, these days, is actually real.


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The original cancel culture was always this though.

Long before anything else, if you spoke out about Israel, then you got your life ruined. Far right couldn’t give a fuck about that though.

This time, nobody even spoke out against Israel. They just said what they thought was a fact but wasn’t quite.

US police forces get training in Israel. They may not get training on how to subdue people, but we don’t know that for sure either.

But how is getting something wrong there racist?

If an ISIS psycho chokes out somebody, and it turns out they went to a training camp in Syria, anyone pointing this may be where they learned how to kill better be labelled islamophobic.

Fuck Starmer for this tbh.


Very important issues happening in the world right now with the BLM at a significant moment. Not a good look at all if your thinking of having some meaningful and insightful input into the conversation.
Worrying levels of shithousery Blarite bollocks being promoted here.

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Or reacting to the low bar that’s been set for them by a media that was heavily biased against their previous leader.


I remember thinking the same thing when there were after him

I think Starmer saw what happened to Corbyn, and thought “Fuck that!”

Oh, and I can get rid of a political adversary at the same time? Bingo!


Meh it was a stupid article by a stupid politician, really not a big loss for the Labour Party either way

She didn’t write the article. Just saying, cos it’s not even as if she wrote it and that sentence was her words and that’s what she’s being punished for.

But I don’t disagree, she’s no loss.

No that’s fair enough, it was a bit of a shit comment from me tbh, I’m just fed up with politics so dont expect any insight from me :grin: also there are so many averaging politicians and its pissess me off…

Voltaire once wrote: “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”


Exactly. The centrist types and commentators are loving it. So Starmer is obviously hoping that he can whittle down the membership, defeat the left and win an election by appealing to the moderate types. It wont work but from his point of view it’s a strategy.

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