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Another one.

was just about to post thisā€¦really getting beyond the joke now with the constant stabbings here and the shootings over there.

I was watching the stream when it happened. Fucking surreal.


You can buys guns and booze in the same shopā€¦

Mad Mad countryā€¦:skull_and_crossbones:

comments in this live video hurts my heart.
calling the whole thing false, mocking Mccainā€™s death and all that

Errr John McCain was an advocate for war in so called Rogue States. He himself a war hero in the perspective of Americans were bombing enemiesā€™ economic targets (civilian infrastructures) when he was caught by the Vietcong and tortured. The same senator who had a hand preventing Obamacare. Medical industry is very profitable over thereā€¦

So you canā€™t blame people who donā€™t like him.

You can not like someone, and still not mock their death.


Think he made sure new Medical bill was not passed and Obamacare was kept.

Saw the same nasty stuff when Thatcher died

Well thatā€™s simply not true for starters. There have been thriving amateur and white collar levels in the sport for decades and this event just happens to be the most publicised one at that level. White collar boxers train, spar and eventually compete. These guys in particular have the resources to afford solid training camps. In KSIā€™s case he has had a previous high profile amateur bout with another YouTuber.

But in terms of your wider point, no one ever said there had to be professionals involved to generate money or an audience. The target audience and people involved were, for the most part, not fans of boxing. Freak shows are happening within combat sports at the moment and more will come due to the business opportunity and enjoyment involved for the celebrities taking part.

Theyā€™re not exactly stealing viewers away from AJā€™s next fight. Theyā€™re getting views from people who would never have bought an AJ fight.

Theyā€™re nutters. Literally they think everything is false, total paranoid, end of days, illuminati, twats. Its a shame because they do sometimes dig up some really interesting stuff such as #pizzagate, and then they ruin it all by calling every event that ever happens a false flag.

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What was interesting about that? Sounded like a load of bollocks to me.


Agreed. But you shouldnā€™t falsely eulogise them either, by only mentioning the good stuff they did and forgetting the bad, especially if we are talking about extremely problematic people.

@sevchenko talking about Thatcher, there is a reason for the celebration and mocking when she died.

What she did to countless communities still understandably cuts deep, and if they can forgive her, that makes them saints.

But surely you can understand why some donā€™t want to.

Of course be nice and civil, especially at their funeral or whatever, but public individuals should have all their public achievements (good or bad) mentioned on their death bed.

When Henry Kissinger dies, what the fuck will they say if they canā€™t say anything bad he did?

The problem with her death is that lots of people celebrated it without realising anything she did. I mean I was studying my a levels at the time (one in politics), my dad was originally from a northern community, and I didnā€™t celebrate her death at all. I had friends telling me how horrible she was but I would never celebrate a personā€™s passing. For all her selling off of British industry I dislike her more for supporting Pinochetā€™s regime and killing young men in Falklands war.

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I think thereā€™s a difference between questioning a personā€™s legacy because of their actions and being unnecessarily disrecpectful in the wake of their death.

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Just thought Iā€™d add the extra viewpoint.

Itā€™s a fair enough view tbh.

I tend to agree with some of the points made by yourself and @ImmoralGunner on McCain. People do tend to eulogize when people die maybe itā€™s human nature to see the good?

Itā€™s always tricky subject to tackle because obvs someone has died.

If someone is a cunt in life, theyā€™re a cunt in death too and should be spoken about as such. Iā€™m really not a fan of people acting like someone was decent or that they deserved respect just because theyā€™ve died.

Now thatā€™s not to say that I think it is right to take the piss or abuse someone in death if you know you are going to upset others. If I knew there was a chance of the loved one of the deceased seeing or hearing my frank opinion on the dead person then Iā€™d consider that to be in somewhat bad taste. Itā€™s partly why I donā€™t really personally use twitter, because if Iā€™m on there slagging someone off youā€™re actually contributing to a global conversation at the end of the day, you donā€™t know who can see your words or how they will be taken. Itā€™s why I use things like Facebook and OA for any thoughts or opinions I may have, because I feel I have more control over who it is Iā€™m going to be heard by.

But really, at the end of the day, if you genuinely and whole-heartedly think someone is basically evil, or to be slightly less dramatic perhaps, a very bad person who did a lot of harm to others, then I donā€™t see any problem in saying that you are glad the cunt is dead. Iā€™ve never had time for the notion of respecting the dead simply for that reason alone.