The Environment

Is this true? Would be easy to believe

This has always been the case lol

Tesla, saving the planet one factory worker sleeping on a mattress on the floor at a time.

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Speaking of Shanghai, not environment related but saw a video of a creepy Boston dynamics “dog” walking through the street with audio advising people stay in doors. Nothing creeps me out more than that companies products.

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If that creepy dog fuck told me to stay indoors then I absolutely would.

We are honestly so fucked



Someone should have told him setting yourself on fire is bad for the environment

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Wasn’t really sure where to put this but ultimately Elon makes out like his ideas can save the world so I thought maybe this thread would work best. It’s an interesting thread if anyone is interested and the guy has written a book too which I think I’ll try track down at some point.


This is a mad story. And doubt it’s unique. The cunts who did this should be in jail.

If ya think thats bad wait until ya hear what they do in the amazon.

Well yea, they should be there too.

Just reaffirms my belief that human beings are the most vile creatures on this planet.


I hate that these developers immediately have the upper hand in these situations because of the pot of money they have.

Moving out from London, you realise how aggressive these projects are; it’s within the local council’s interests to have big developments like these because of the council tax they receive from the hundreds/thousands of people that move into the development.

We have a similar thing going on near where I live but I’m not sure if it is as sinister as this story and may well be a case of the farmers selling up. Either way, the villagers are constantly asked to petition against a large development nearby, that eats into countryside on the step of AONB. The cunts won’t go away though.

For me personally, I chose to move out to the countryside to evade the city lifestyle and it’s only until you move out of London that you see how devastating it can be in regards to development permits and the land they want to acquire to build abominable houses on them.


Yip, exactly, any kind of legal action for the small guy is nigh on impossible due to the ridiculous cost. So basically if you arent in property or banking then you are screwed.

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“Breached their security” sounds like some elaborate heist. I’d bet it was walked in the front door and then walked through a barrier :ozil:


All to appease some old rich guys that won’t be around much longer.

Thank you leaders.

I hope I get like 10-15 years of retirement before it’s truly fucked.

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This is it lads, the ship we’re all gonna end up living on like in Wall-E

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