
Ahahahahah this guy has totally lost it

Maybe Australia were onto something when they pegged him for his dangerous views

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Thatā€™s great and all but he did not mention his religion that just inference by you. And donā€™t believe you would call anyone Muslim or Jewish nutter because ist or phobe nonsense labels that get thrown around when you question/criticize anyone from those faiths


He just said he would so itā€™s weird to still call him out on this. I feel like the one thing this place is generally in unison on is that religious fundamentalism is fucking nuts, regardless the religion in question.


Yeah not believable at all, his words means very little especially when people donā€™t want to be called phobic and ist that align left; plus itā€™s fashionable to hate Christians just for being Christian.

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[quote=ā€œryaninho, post:1823, topic:116, full:trueā€]And donā€™t believe you would call anyone Muslim or Jewish nutter

Seriously wtf :rofl: He just said he would.
I find it mighty ironic how you and your brother come guns blazing to defend religion.

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When are you going to learn that once heā€™s decided heā€™s ready to argue, not even answering his questions is enough to stop him.


Yeah I am Christian you ass, and also studying to be a neuroscientist

He was asked a question, he gave his answer. On what grounds is he not being believed other than a perception you guys seem to have about something? Bizarre lads.


Yet your are hateful and unaccepting towards pretty much everything. Thatā€™s nice.


Same as how you have no faith in what people who donā€™t believe you believe itā€™s not hard a concept

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Give an example?

Thatā€™s horseshit mate. A question was asked and answered. As always with you lads the question itself was a bad faith one and the answer would make no difference to your nonsense responses.


Mate you always come out guns blazing to defend Islam


Oh believe me, if you canā€™t see it yourself then you are too far gone. And before you start asking questions, how about you start answering the other 6378 questions on this forum youā€™ve refused to answer?

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Bad faith please, no one on this forum has denigrated any other religion regardless of what other people of that faith has done.

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So none Thank you got your input

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Iā€™ve answered every question.

So you have no example then, so shut your mouth.

lol :joy:


As someone who doesnā€™t subscribe to any religion I can assure you that I donā€™t come out all guns blazing you defend any religion.

Thereā€™s been hundreds of mentions of Islam over the years and youā€™d be hard pressed to find more than a couple examples of my defending the religion for any reason other than that somebody said something incorrect about it lol


:arteta: :bergkamp2: :ozil: :poldi: :vinai: