Serie A


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Worth remembering here his knees were completely shot to pieces to the point where he shouldnā€™t even have been an active player.

Baggio is one of the games greats and one of the most criminally underutilised players ever. Italian football wasnā€™t ready for his greatness in the 90s.

Him, R9 and Romario were the greatest players of that decade.


bah so what, i could do that :henry2:

I donā€™t think there has ever been a better CB. He was just so exceptionally gifted and when he lost his pace and his body was beat up from the muscle injuries he adapted his game and his positional sense and reading was still elite.

He had it all. He was a good passer of the ball, an exceptional tackler, good aerial ability, fast in his prime, read the game well, leadership skills, physically strong.


Born offside :smiley:

Thoughts on F. Inzaghi @SRCJJ?

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Canā€™t teach movement, instincts and finishing like his. One of the games great poachers lol. Amazing at playing off the shoulder of the defender

Scored some incredible goals for someone who was never renowned for his technique too.


Nah. Nesta is clear of Maldini at CB.

Baresi and Nesta the two best CBs to ever play for Milan. Maldini made a fantastic adjustment to CB and was world class wherever he played but really heā€™s a left back and that was his best position

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Allegri sacked?

Goodness only knows how heā€™d have fared at Arsenal

(If he could.speak English)

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Very disrespectful imo.

Got you back in the CL, won you a cup just days ago and you fire him over him losing it at the ref.

Like, shit like this happens every day in Serie A.

Just an excuse to get rid and probably claim they donā€™t need to pay him off because of his actions.

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My memory of Baggio is the magical free kicks game on some website :grin:

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Typical strong arm tactics by an employer, that.

Theyā€™ll probably claim they have a watertight case. Cunts

Heā€™ll still get whatever hes owed.

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Time is a funny thing in football, Bayern and Juventus nowhere near their levels of domestic dominance like in the 2010ā€™s.

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Juventus said in a statement that Allegriā€™s behavior was not in line with their ā€œvalues.ā€ ā€œThe firing follows certain behaviors during and after the Italian Cup final that the club deemed incompatible with the values of Juventus, and the behavior that those who represent it should have,ā€ the club said.

What are Juveā€™s values beyond bribing officials?

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Killed many hours in IT class at secondary school on this legendary game.

They need to get it on smartphone. Iā€™d certainly pay a couple quid for it


World Cup Kicks wasnā€™t it?

Flash games make me so nostalgic. A simpler time.

My feeling is that he wonā€™t?

The timing of this screams some fired with cause gimmick where Juventus can avoid paying him off?

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He will if I represent him.