
Quite hard to work at a club where people inside the club are willing to lose games, especially one that would’ve kept them close to the CL spot.

Walk away, Ange. It will only get worse.


I thought the staff is hired by the manager. Or Do Spurs retain staff members?

Not sure where I read or heard it but apparently Ange isn’t big on bringing his own staff or something.

So a good chunk of the staff have been there before.

Pretty positive Ryan Mason is still working there.

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Not sure what support staff is classified as but there’s plenty of people who work a day job at the stadium. Could be one of them and not the coaching team.

They’re celebrating with an open top bus parade and talking of adapting the achievement into a film.

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It’s actually hilarious how many clubs the dude has joined. From Greece, Australia, Japan to Scotland. So many different cultures. You would think he’s seen it all.
And it’s Spurs that broke him. :rofl:




I genuinely hope after this that no decent manager or player wants to be near this club and they just end up picking up dregs for the foreseeable future.

These guys need to go back to mid-table mediocrity asap. Hope they sack him or he leaves on his own accord and they end up fighting relegation real fast.

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That cesspit of a club isn’t worth anyone’s time of day, and if you want to keep any shred of cred as a manager, Ange, get away from there a.s.a.p.


Should hang their heads

Villa probably would have won today if Spurs actually picked up points versus City, they were hangover from the celebrations of getting 4th the other night

They wouldn’t have won(Palace are in form) but they would have played for the draw.

Seeing their vermin fans sharing their little memes on FB about us, yet again more obsessed with us than reflecting on their shitty season where they’ve yet again achieved fuck all. Cunts.


Enjoy the shitty Europa league you pricks

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Looking forward to railing them at their ground again next season.

can see Ryan Mason as the Spurs manager next season, think Big Ange leaves after what he saw this week

Villa battered, if they hadnt been hellbent on losing to stop us, theyd have been in the CL next season