Racism & Sexism (etc) discussion

Yeah mate it’s Wednesday.

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She was being obtuse on purpose, why wear the fucking African dress to a function deliberately stand out, and expect not to be asked question about your heritage; it would have better to turn up wearing normal clothes, that in itself would negated any such questioning would it not?

All this bother could have very easily been avoided if we’d never reinstated the monarchy in the 17th century.


She probably liked it.

And she’s allowed to but I don’t think its crazy to expect someone might ask where you’re from as a result.


And she was answered.


Erm yeah technically but the whole interaction is why we are here discussing it in the first place…

You don’t understand, it’s because at white person asked the question

I think it is crazy that someone would ask like 8 times. Lol

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She wore an African dress to a function and called someone racist when they asked where she was from.

If someone wearing France football shirt in this country is asked what area of France are they from and they say they’re English does that make the person asking the question a racist?

Presumably the said person would listen to the answer and realise it would be stupid to continue with asking them again.

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No she didn’t

Ok, but you get my point.

She didn’t explicitly say this woman is racist, she just called the lot of them racist instead off the back of this exchange.

Ms Fulani, said the issue was “bigger than one individual. It’s institutional racism”.

If that’s not implying she felt this conversation in particular was racist then I don’t know what to think.

But yes technically she hasn’t said the exact words.

Either way sounds like a right shit conversation and neither come off particularly clever. Surely ask ‘but where is your family from or what’s your heritage?’ If they still say british then just accept that’s their answer and talk about something else.

Even with the drawn out questioning though I don’t think this should’ve even been news, it only is because of the mention of racism.


By calling the royals institutionally racist, because of one person’s possibility tactless question, gives her a few minutes of fame but this sort of playing the victim card just plays into the hands of genuine racists.

Who can seriously hold up their hands and say they haven’t said or done something that someone else hasn’t been offended by.

If these sort of trivial incidents keep getting blown out of all proportion, we’re going to run out of people to get offended. :grinning:

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No it’s in the news because the biggest institution in the country is linked.

We have to a point in time where can’t ask a black person they background. I hate these things because it just infantilizes black people. Like we are all fragile people who need to be handled with kid gloves. It’s pathetic just another race hustler do what they do best and they white liberal racist to cheer them on. Institutional blah blah, systemic blah blah, another British establishment hates the black blah blah it’s like a fetish now.


You might want to look at the work the woman is doing.
Out of the two involved here, one is clearly making a difference to people. I don’t see for a minute her looking for some opportunity of self righteous opportunity.
She has been invited to a function and then been treated in an ignorant manner when answering a question.

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No she absolutely did not do this.

There is a very clear distinction she has made in calling out the institution and not anybody within it.

I would imagine what she does best is help support victims of domestic abuse.