Premier League 2023/24

Personally I would rather City than Liverpool. Surely we all do?


What about Arsenal?

City over Liverpool is very debatable tbh, weā€™re talking about a club thatā€™s ruined the game here.


Tbh if itā€™s not us I couldnā€™t care lessā€¦.

Maybe City for the fact I struggle to get my head around Liverpool winning it with the injury struggles theyā€™ve hadā€¦

But yeah ultimately if not Arsenal my care factor is little.


Has to be City over Liverpool IF we cannot win it, shouldnā€™t even be a debate. City have clearly cheated and bought their way to the top. It is a much bigger blow if Pool manage it again before usā€¦


Didnā€™t Unai go 22 games unbeaten with Arsenal? And he took us to a European final, our first since 2006?

That 22 game run was extremely lucky and was never going to last and he shat the bed in that finalā€¦


City winning 4 in a row on the back of a treble all while cheating and never getting punished?

Nah let Liverpool have it if we canā€™t, theyā€™ve actually earned this shit. Just the final season Klopp wankfest that will be annoying.

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Itā€™s really a case of having off daysā€¦ if they play like that and get ridiculous goals, they arenā€™t dropping points. But I reckon all 3 teams will drop at least 2 points from here to end. Just about luck and consistencyā€¦

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I mean, yeah thatā€™s true but look at the squad he inherited. They were all crap and in decline. Itā€™s a shame he + Kronkes added to it with poor recruitment and contact extensions.

Did you read/post on here when Wenger left?

I was part of a gang of about 2 people who wanted Arteta over Emery. So Iā€™m not ever going to give Emery credit now I have been proven right. And I especially donā€™t give credit out for luck.


If rumours are to be believed, Emery convinced the board he could work with the existing squad and didnā€™t need much improvement.

He made his own bed in that regard.

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Yeah I was a huge part of the ā€œWenger outā€ brigade back then. Reading my posts back now, itā€™s quite embarrassing.

Iā€™m glad we got Arteta now though, heā€™s taken us from a team scrambling to make it into any European comp to now competing for titlesā€¦ and maybe a UCL too.

Ooh, I didnā€™t know that. Shame on him in that case then. People like David Luiz, Sokratis, Mustafi, Guendouzi etc were an embarrassment.

No no no no you donā€™t get out of it that easily.

Every Arsenal fan was Wenger out. And every Arsenal fan is now Arteta in. Tell me what happened in between.

When Wenger announced he was leaving and we were linked with Emery and Arteta, who did you want?

Talksport after some sweet engagement


21 goals for the season is impressive tbf, was shocked to see his numbers yesterday.

Starting to become a game changer as well rather than just a cog in a very good team.

Heā€™s not even the best player in Manchester. But they know that.

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This is interesting. Can you give me some context here? Which games did he change?

I just still donā€™t see it with him. Granted he is a good player, and will be a good asset for England for sure. But the way he is raved aboutā€¦ I literally study him when City play sometimes and he can be so sloppy, but if he scores a goal at the end of the game, the fact that he has done nothing good for 90 minutes seems to be forgotten :woman_shrugging:t2:

I am probably hating on him more purely because of all the orgasms people have over him. But I am trying to get it.

In the last couple of months heā€™s whipped out hattricks to win games over brentford (from behind) and villa (from 1-1) while also banging the first 2 goals to beat United 3-1, again from 1-0 down.

I donā€™t subscribe to the hype around him either but thatā€™s why I credit his numbers this season that have surprised me and the fact heā€™s directly winning them games now.

Heā€™s doing the gundogan 22/23 role for them atm, pulling out clutch goals.

Ah ok, so yeah we have different definitions of changing games then. City were always going to win those games IMO. With or without him. It was stat padding.

City were always going to beat United even though it was 1-1 til his 80th minute goal put them 2-1 up? And his equaliser was a banger out of nowhere.

If thatā€™s not him being a game changer then I donā€™t know what is.

Heā€™s dragged them to 4 of their last 6 wins in the PL.