@Cristo was a no brainer for me on this one. The amount of detail in that post is outrageous.
The Love Island/Reality TV rant only 8% away from top spot :giroud3:
Oh is @Cristo voting for himself again? :unai:
Gonna make a few accounts up to get bl1nk the win!!
I’m quite split on which post I want to win because @Bl1nk 's rather embrassed by that drunk post of his But then Cristo’s post speaks a lot of truth, so maybe it ends in a tie and they both win?
Love Island days were really dark days this year.
Take a stand OAers against that nonsense.
Vote for Cristo’s Love Island post.
Sorry Blink
If it’s any consolation, I voted for you
Thanks luv, I also voted for you but I won’t say where
btw I am not really disappointed, I just really wanted to use that gif and was searching for a suitable place to put it
I voted for you but changed to bl1nks yesterday as I wasn’t letting that Love Island slander win!!
Cristo’s opening post for the Man City game was immense, got my vote.
Lol, dunno maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t this defeat the whole purpose?
Can I please ask that anyone that voted for my Man City match thread please vote for my Love Island post
Let’s merge the votes from your two posts into one so it’s enough to give you the lead and pretend nothing happened.
And it’s gone
And so it’s been decided that both of Cristo’s votes should be merged together in order to claim post of… Nah I’m just kidding for any of you Love Islanders who were sweating for a moment there
Bl1nk set the standard on the very first day of the year, that simply couldn’t be matched for his wonderful drunken rambley mess
@Bl1nk 's Drunken New Year message 12 votes
@Cristo 's epic Love Island/Reality TV rant 9 votes
@Cristo 's Huge opening post in Man City match thread 5 votes
@Electrifying 's WWE meme gif excitement overload 5 votes
@Gladiator 's Hands United against England Luca edition 5 votes
@Sol 's Handsome wedding day photo 4 votes
No faith in humanity.
Fuck you Love Islanders