PL Title Race 23/24

7 pints in and he’s optimistic

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8 fucking games boys we can do this!

I enjoyed last season for the sheer novelty after being terrible the previous seasons.

This is it though. We are finally in a run in for the first time in 20 yrs.

Bring it on :red_circle::red_circle:


We are in a run in for the 2nd consecutive season.


I disagree tbh.

We got to the run in then drew 3 games in a row and got battered in the 4th. After that there was no “run in” truthfully looking back

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We were top of the table with 8 games to play, that’s in a title race.

The collapse wasn’t fun, but if you lead the league until late April you’re in a title race.

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Yes but then we bottled it.

Looking back we were at the starting line of a title race then blew it. The moment we dropped a 2 goal lead at anfield we never recovered it was then a fake title race seeing as city never dropped a point until the last game

I’m not saying we handled the title run in or race well.

Just saying by definition I think most people will say leading to league to late April is being part of a title race.


We win every remaining game and we win it. Unrealistic. We need to not slip before Liverpool or City.

Sunday is a big banana skin for Liverpool. We need to ramp up the pressure by beating Brighton.

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It’s kind of nice to have got all the City and Liverpool games out of the way. Watching Man City batter Villa is fine. They cannot directly impact our season anymore.

I fucking hated last season where the loss at the Etihad basically condemned our title challenge. We got through the same test this season, and now it’s up to us.

It’s making me very uncomfortable that Liverpool are in the driving seat. 2 points isn’t a lot but we need to be in charge of our destiny. They will definitely win tonight, but we have another opportunity on the weekend to leapfrog them. They will then be under big pressure to win at OT.


The whole Thursday-Sunday shenanigans for them might affect them even when they have a home banker

(At least I can hope)

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And I’ve gone full Aussie :joy:


What the fuck is wrong with me, Liverpool clearly going to pipe Sheffield tonight but here I am somewhat believing they could fuck it up.


I mean, look at Gerard’s slip - anything could happen. It’s football.


You’re right, Liverpool are definitely fucking it up tonight.

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They probably aren’t, however, I’ll be very surprised if they win all their away games left.

Man Utd, Fulham, Everton, West Ham and Villa. Four out of five will be desperate for points.


Liverpool are probably going to score east four against Sheffield United and even away to Man U in their next game they should get a win.

So with players coming back from injury and a fairly easy run in, they’re favourites for the title.

Liverpool will catch up to our GD tonight no problem. 6-0 battering for Sheffield Utd.


they didnt. its still 6 gd.

i dont think the title will be decided by GD

Hopefully it is decided by GD.