Olivier Giroud

I’m the one championing the grey areas…there is a total lack of grey areas in how people talk about relationships, many comments in this thread being a good example.

There is nothing black and white about saying that physiology wins out when push comes to shove. It’s just a basic truth. We aren’t gophers or dogs, but we are animals, just a more sophisticated type, and one that confuses itself quite a lot more than others. If there is/were another species out there they would surely see our romantic interaction much like we see that of dogs, and see right through a lot of the bullshit we deceive ourselves with.

Anyways, as the great Don Miguel de Unamuno said, 100% of psychology can be reduced to physiology.

Yeah there isn’t any black and white in that statement… mmmm hmmmm… ok…

You might as well extend it to say everything is just physics in the end.

Not to mention the basic premises considering a pure physiological/biologic model has logical flaws in what you are saying or at least implying. Anyway, this is a silly diversion - can we get back to football?

What are those?

Yes, I am certainly not a dualist.

Don’t think it’s silly at all, this conversation is more interesting than most on this forum, and it’s kept me from falling asleep after doing my usual routine of reading the OA to help me fall asleep.

There isn’t, because the concept of black and white has no use when it comes to basic truths. We don’t say to someone when they tell us that there is a sun, or that the earth is round, that they are thinking too much in black and white. Black and white becomes a useful concept when we get further away from the basic truths, like the nuances/shades of grey I’m trying to add to the discussion of cheating/faithfulness, for example. :wink: :sunglasses:

Just listening to the Totally Football Show podcast. They’ve been discussing how fantastic Giroud is as a plan B. How he is great in the air and also at feeding players. They said Liverpool lack a decent plan B like that and also how he would prosper at Chelsea because he is exactly what they want and need.

Glad the football experts appreciate his talents :sunglasses:

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Giroud deserves to be starting somewhere. Too good a player to be a plan B

The concept of a Plan B/Super sub is incredibly flawed too


Glad somebody said it.

Not according to some on here. Apparently he isn’t even good enough to be a sub!

Whats with the Steiner piccy? :henry:

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Refer to below mate

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@SRCJJ and @sevchenko why not elaborate instead of just making the statements and leaving them to stand alone? It does require elaboration because on the surface you’re playing a match that isn’t going your way, you bring on a player who then scores you a goal when no one else seems capable. And he did this repeatedly. I’m not seeing the flaw in that, to me it seems useful.


I’m going to get to this a bit later and explain why I’m not a fan of Giroud as a plan B

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It did look like sev and I guess by extension you were saying Plan B as an entire concept is flawed, rather than just Giroud.

He was big time on steroids.

I love your avatar.

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jmb27’s is better.


Pfff…I don’t even know what that is? Big Poppa Pump could pop that guy’s head like a zit in between his traps.

Nope. That is Ragnar. Legendary Viking.

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Steroids or not his physique was the way it was because of his discipline and work ethic in the gym. The kind of dieting, training and whatnot you need to achieve his physique is far deeper than just steroids.

Sure but steroids certainly help a big deal.

Given the choice, my respect would go to person who achieved the physique without the need to use steroids.

You wouldn’t be able to achieve Steiner’s physique without steroids and the other supplementary drugs like HGH.