OA Birthdays

Happy belated to Shambo Nation and @BizzySignal :pretzel: :yarn: :auto_rickshaw:


Happy birthday @BizzySignal !

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Happy belated birthdays to people


“Happy birthday to everyone who has a birthday this year”


That really fair to anyone that has a Feb 29 birthday tbh

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:joy: Literally came in here to say belated to @RockyMaivia @shamrockgooner and @Jules and happy birthday today @BizzySignal

Just feel so insincere now :joy:


Do you know anyone who does? I assume they celebrate on March 1?

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Happy Birthday @BizzySignal have a great one mate!

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Happy birthday, Bizzer.

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Thanks @sunny310c @Echoes @CliftonGeraldi @Phoebica @Aussiegooner @DavidHillier @Stroller @SRCJJ @shamrockgooner @Midfield_Maestro @Sol @Bl1nk @Gio @YJYUX @JakeyBoy @giner for all the happy birthdays, love you all.

Despite the weather trying to mug me off with it pissing down with rain intermittently, I was still riding on that holiday wave so had a massive BBQ with friends and family to celebrate, sweet chilli chicken, Jerk Chicken, burgers with home made patties, chorizos, haloumi, salmon skewers and even got bruk down on Guinness, Baileys and whiskey (called an Irish car bomb I think?). Hoping to one day have an OA cook out so I can give you all food poisoning in person :joy::rofl:


That’s some pro lookin’ cookin’ going on there. What time shall I come round? :slight_smile:

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Whenever you want mate and please bring some of that Canadian sunshine you’ve been having as well, defo could of done with some of that day. I’ll tell you what between the hail stones and heavy rainfall you would thought we was in the middle of winter not in the middle of summer expecting a second heatwave! :joy:

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Imagine that. We’d all call each other by our usernames :sweat_smile:


Happy birthday, @BizzySignal!

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Fine with me. Happy birthday @BizzySignal


But my real name is Bob…


Happy Birthday :partying_face: @BizzySignal !?

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Thanks bros @NeedCoffee @Josh @MO_OA49.

Funny thing is in a lot of areas people kind of do that already, growing up every one called each other by their aliases and not even nick names like “gaz” or “Jonno” but stuff like Cookie, AK, Icey, Doh boy, E-man etc… everyone who was anyone had one and that’s not including the time when everyone wanted to be an MC or a DJ and people were going around with stupid names like MC Krispy😂

one time I was doing community service on a building site and there was some older guy there who was my older cousins friend, was telling me all these stories from school and was like “ask your cousin but tell him so and so he won’t know me otherwise” his nickname was “golden shower” everyone would called him GS, told me how he got the nickname (which I won’t repeat here) :joy::rofl:




Mine was Fro. Because I had a big ass afro.

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