Nuno Tavares (Loan: Lazio)


What time is it there?

Was just gonna post it too. :joy:

Anyway, it appears heā€™s a bit of a nutcase. Kind of guy to fall out with Arteta.
But it does look like this has legs. :man_shrugging:

4am :rofl::rofl: Iā€™ve been on evenings lately so my sleep pattern is fucked


Donā€™t remember him from the Europa tie against them

Heā€™s not a starter for them. Grimaldo is the main man for Benfica.
It looks like one of the reasons he wants to leave is because he doesnā€™t want to be backup anymore. It also sounds like Benfica want him gone because he is a troublemaker.

No idea how this move makes sense. :man_shrugging::man_facepalming:

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Heā€™s fairly young. 21 I believe, definitely one for the future meanwhile heā€™ll be a suitable backup to KT.

Maybe he can be retrained to RB :arteta:

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This guy is the biggest LB prospect on FM and PES. Sign him up.


So he is a troublemaker and we want to sign him under Arteta well thatā€™s another player getting shipped out on loan

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Wait, I thought this was nuno mendes? I canā€™t even find this guy on my Fm save lol

Saliba working his dong, Tavares making out with his dogsā€¦Either current youths are wild or absence of social media kept our previous heroes pristine.


Yes. Thatā€™s this guy. Nuno Alexandre Tavares Mendes. Or am I wrong?

Nuno Mendes | Portugal | UEFA EURO 2020 | This one.

Ah donā€™t tell me where going for a budget option again. Ffs.

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This guy is a beast on FM and always part of the wonder kids selection.

This one is from benfica.

Someone shared this with me and I was hyped until I saw that he was 21 and from Benfica and suddenly realised he wasnā€™t the Sporting lad who is 18/19 and considered a talent.

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#AFC focus has been a Tierney back-up aged roughly 20/22

Club is starting to learn the basicsā€¦

Now weā€™ll see if the Talent ID is decent

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FM or not his youtube compilation are sexy AF

He looks like he can play on both flanks too.

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That sounds like a steal to me.
More than a dozen clubs looking for a first team LB and from what Iā€™ve seen, Tavares was considered by most of them, and we get him as backup for so cheap.

Impressive. :pires2:

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