Nicolas Pépé

And Amazon is the best place to get it? :smile:

I’m too lazy to walk an extra 5 minutes to the supermarket after work :sweat_smile: aaaand gotta make use of that prime membership haha

Those extra minutes in the eve are precious when I’m already in bed by 10pm hahaha

We have the perfect manager for such a task :speak_no_evil:


I don’t agree with his dad. I think the dream for anyone is to have a career involving something you are passionate about (of course that could be a click bait headline I didn’t read the article). I think ppl who love what they do and actually enjoy doing it are in a position to be better at what they do than ppl who just show up cuz it pays the bills.


Why was this thread opened lol it’s just full of nonsense like the rumour thread was. The whole point of the new threads where for when Arsenal confirmed it :joy:

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Can always move these posts to the crappy thread lol. We’re just having fun here. It’s pre-season, bloody boring!


Even though I know this deal is done, i’m losing my mind waiting for the announcement. My line of thought just went like this:

We’re playing Angers.
That is close to Anglers.
Anglers fish.
What goes well with fish?
Chips… and salt and Pépé


Send help

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Oohh @Great-White-Gooner are you just gonna let Bl1nk call your thread crappy?

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With the Angers game being player right now, no way this is getting announced today right?

But what a signing this is going to be!

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Bet your a little uncomfortable with the similarities on that flag to somebody else’s.

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Yoo, welkom terug man! Vijf maanden geleden alweer zie ik, te lang eigenlijk! Waar was je al die tijd? :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha ja klopt, niet veel online geweest hier… Wel af en toe even wat topics door gescrold, maar niet veel gezegd.

Wat overigens niks zegt over het volgen van Arsenal an sich, kijk uiteraard nog steeds alle wedstrijden :slight_smile: Zo ook nu de pot tegen Angers, wat een saaie bedoeling…

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Dutch is such a beautiful language. On par with danish imo.

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Ok just got home from work…WTF has Pepe not been announced yet? I was excited to see the thread had been moved but hasn’t been announced on Arsenal’s website…

What’s going on?

A game

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What does that mean…Lille President appears to have confirmed the transfer?

That Arsenal is literally playing right now.