That was a great pass indeed. On the weak foot too, first touch. Love the fact he had the vision to spot Havertz in the first place, then didn’t hesitate and went for the pass right away.
Hate it when the players dwell or go for the safe option in these situatuons and kill the chance.
Another one who was growing into the game and was subbed.
I didn’t get the Martinelli sub at all. Perhaps they thought they could exploit some space in behind that Tete offered but really, we only saw that a couple times during the game.
Think the subs at the point we made them killed our momentum.
Wanted to mention it last time but I’m happy he got the assist today.
Clearly lacking in confidence but he’s trying. Thought he had a really underrated performance against Palace, both times.
With Saka out for a prolonged time, it’s really now up to him and Odegaard to carry the load creatively. Gonna be tough.
He shouldn’t. Trossard is getting more minutes this season due to injuries and Martinelli poor form and has barely been above a 6/10 in most of those games. Barely registers as a goal threat these days.
He should be a bit-part player but he has played quite a lot this season due to injuries. I still think he’s fine to be the super sub and start a few games here and there.
Agree there, definitely has more impact as a super sub, can count on one hand the performances I’ve watched him where he’s started and he’s put a shift in.