I just came across this video on YouTube and its from a guy riding through the disaster zones. Wow the legacy media can’t ever compete with this. You actually see it like its through your own eyes. It now has just under 6M views. Thought I would share as everyone should to see this
I live in Manhattan Beach. But for the news cycle, and the place smelling like a bonfire, you wouldn’t realize the devastation taking place.
Crazy video hard to imagine what it would have been like at the time.
Also can’t help but notice the only thing left standing at every house is the brick chimney.
I know they’re devastating for the people of California but I don’t get why these fires have dominated our news cycle for days and days now.
It’s only just begun.
Once the dust has settled, and with Trumpington coming into power, the whole fiasco about the Californian water supply is going to be fought.
On board with you there mate.
My opinion is that it detracts from the ongoing shit show in Ukraine and the genocide taking place within Palestine. America funding arms to countries to fight wars bit yet again unable to look after it’s own that pay the tax dollars.
Maybe the rhetoric will be different now one of the richest parts of the country has been decimated.
I mean, it’s a wildfire that has destroyed millions of homes in one of the biggest, most populous, culturally and economically significant cities in the world and just another bit of evidence of climate change.
Feel like it makes sense it’s getting so much attention on the news.
That and the fact it’s been going for so many days now.
LA needs more goats and cows
I think the fact that this is also affecting rich people from Hollywood is certainly adding fuel to the fire, so to speak.
Bad idea to build a city around Chaparral scrub in what is effectively a desert.
The Chaparrel needs to burn every few years and desert regions are notoriously short of water.
LA should be better prepared for what are inevitable events.
It’s probably their infrequency that leads to a lack of preparedness.
Although I think we might see more of this in the coming years.
This was another one the appeared after I watched the first one. I’ve never experienced a fire in real life thankfully so this video is nuts to me.
Major props to these guys for videoing this and letting everyone else see. I can’t believe how quickly it spreads and the wind blow the fire onto the road with the sparks then the sky looking like the end of the world