La Liga

oh, yea they’ll sneak out of it, if City could do this bullshit for a decade I expect nothing but the expected.

It’s even worse because it’s based on the girl who went viral with ‘I’m looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6’5, blue eyes’

You may have heard the remixes if you’re into edm/techno but either way it’s cringe and not something I’d expect a treble winning 59 year old man to indulge in :rofl:

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about time.

(tl:dr; case first of it’s kind, Ibarra calls it start of sumthin sumthin, they prolly won’t actually go to prison).

Oh fuck no… going to jail for saying something… that’s a slippery slope we definitely don’t want to get on.
That’s atrocious… Whatever happened to sticks and stones…

Nacho checking out at the age of 34, a few years at the Castilla and then 13 years with the first team, 4 league titles, 6 CLs.

Low key a good defender, great squad guy, would’ve maybe gotten more recognition if he was at any other club in the world, but it is tough being behind Ramos and a general flux of superstars your entire career and whatnot.

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Equally lucky he has the honours he does, would have nowhere near that if he’d left for any other club, so goes both ways.

Solid squad player and worked out all round, Madrid gonna be shopping for two CB’s at this rate. Maybe one this summer one next.

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Excellent squad player. Always been reliable option across the back and the kind of player who’s quietly gone about his business and contributed to Real in a very positive way.


Is Carvajal Real’s only important Spanish player now?

Feels like the squad is at an all time low in that respect.

Fran Garcia and Ceballos the only others I can think of

Is Vazquez leaving too?

I wanna say (but haven’t checked) some of the Galactico’s squads were also low on significant Spanish players. Barcelona seems the club to find more notable Spanish players in higher volume.