Kai Havertz (29)

Well we don’t have a replacement for either so they better get some orange slices and get ready for Brighton.


Up to 9 bookings apparently, when does that reset ? After 32 games ?

According to some googling it was actually his 8th. (Yes its after 32 games)

Havertz has just seven yellows meaning if he avoids getting booked in one of the next three Premier League matches against Luton Town, Brighton and Aston Villa then he will indeed not need to worry about future cautions.

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Is that why Arteta seemed pissed that he got that yellow?

can’t you see dude just want a break??

Yeah he is on 8 bookings: Kai Havertz - Wedstrijden 23/24 | Transfermarkt (scroll down to the PL table)

So he should be fine with two games to go before the cut off.


Take the state of the game out of consideration . Wouldn’t it be better to get sent off via a second yellow if Havertz is staring at a 2 game ban?


It’s 10 cards before 32 games. He’s on 8 now according to the PL website stats so basically he needs to avoid getting yellows in both games we have coming up.


He needs to stop diving and play football the numptie


Definitely a Chelsea trait that he needs to get rid of !?

He needs to cut that shit out. I’ll start booing him myself at games if he keeps it up. Eventually, it’ll catch-up with him and he’ll get sent off for it. He’s starting to get a reputation for it. Soon refs will book him for diving even if he didn’t.

Boy cried wolf and all that.


People praise the dark arts when other clubs do it and moaned for years that we didn’t, now we have players trying to create advantages for Arsenal in whatever fashion they can and we’re gonna boo them?

I don’t care if he dives 9 times and gets booked for every one as long as the tenth leads to a crucial penalty for Arsenal.


If you’re gonna dive at least don’t make it look so obvious. One day it’ll lead to a 2nd yellow… we’ll be a man down and will lose an important game cause of it.

Just one problem…



Gotta do that Ramires leg tap so they can’t overturn it :wink:

Come on, the whole season he dived… Maybe twice??

I meant actual dive.
Soft touch didn’t count as “dive”.

In the beginning he was suck at slide and he is now okay after some practice.
Give him some time, he will learn better dive.


Yea i think its more than twice but you’re definitely right it’s being overblown now.

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Yeah, it’s definitely unjustified criticism towards Kai.

There was the example of the McAllister challenge on him in the box in our game v Liverpool when it was 1-1. I think a lot more would have been made of that had we not got 3 points out of the game in the end. To say it was a dive when it was more likely a penalty was laughable.

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Havertz gets criticism for diving but when a real expert like Kane does it repeatedly the media ignore it.

One’s german, the other is white british.