Health and Fitness

All Pitbull, all the time.

Sorry to change this thread from fitness to disease.

Some of you saw I have cervical cancer. I was told I was fine.

But on Friday Doctor said “actually”. Always a bad thing. the doctors have discovered a tumor

And one thing they said to me was “don’t drink alcohol”. But if I am going to die and Arsenal aren’t going to win the league, why not drink alcohol?

That’s awful. I can’t imagine how it feels to have had the ok then hear that. I assume they are doing more tests and an op (not actually asking you to answer that) and hopefully they can produce some better news.

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I am so sorry

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I am so sorry to hear this. I hope you can fight this away soon.

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Very sorry to hear that Phoebica. Awful news.

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So sorry to hear that Phoebica, we’re all with you here :pray:t4:

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