Health and Fitness

Yeah Park Run is always good. The other runners spur you on. And if you then move onto other races you kind of get addicted to bettering your times.

Yeah I don’t mean going out in the freezing cold, more Spring/Autumn weather. In the summer, on hot days, I tend to go out really early in the morning.

See I always find that funny because the gym is usually worse for heat for me.
I hate the heat in summer in the gym as you very rarely get an adequate air conditioning unit.

Yeah I’ve seen them a few times and it looks as if the atmosphere is fairly light hearted, which for someone as useless at running as me would be genuinely helpful!

@Stroller yeah I always avoud the gym during the day, and actually prefer going first thing when it is considerably cooler and less busy. Tbh they can be unbearable at the best of times when busy but even more so in the summer

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Oh definitely. You get all sorts of people doing it. You get some really fast runners, slow runners, people running with a dog or buggy and some people even walk it.

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This seemed like probably the best fit in terms of where to ask…

Anyone got any tips for improving posture?! I’m aware that mine is fucking shocking, I realise this constantly and sit up straight, only to then be hunched up over my keyboard again a minute later.

A colleague used to wear this thing that looked like a cross between a holster and a bra, that pulls your shoulders back a bit and encourages you to sit up straight, but I’ve seen some reviews suggesting that they might not actually be beneficial, as some people might come to rely on it, meaning when they don’t wear it they slump as much or more than before, so I’m unsure.

Any tips?!


Going gym and deadlifts.

Working on your back will help a lot. If your back is stronger, your shoulders will naturally be sitting back instead of rounding forward, and deadlifts will help your core, lower back and have you sitting and standing taller and straighter.

@SRCJJ will have some more detailed tips as well I am sure


I’ve got a good write up on this on my laptop when I’m home tomorrow I’ll post it in the thread. Some real good material



What you probably have is called thoracic kyphosis. The key to improving posture lies in stretching, increasing strength and improving/restoring mobility and range of motion in your body. Key areas to focus on is core strength and thoracic mobility, but the problem is likely more systematic and I’d recommend a more holistic approach. I can link you to a lot of exercises on youtube, but if you really want to tackle the issue, restore spinal health and improve posture, I cannot recommend this guy enough:

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Get one of those kneeling chairs for your desk, I used it when I used to pc game alot back when I grinded CS. Makes you conscious of how utterly atrocious your posture was with a chair. And they’re surprisingly comfy

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No one size fits all approach but this guy made a good change in about a month with mobility and some targeted resistance exercises.

There’s more he could have done and you can find loads of exercises for rotator cuff, rear delts, upper back and thoracic mobility etc in general which all help. But it does take a bit of effort and time.

I tried that posture corrector vest for a day under my work shirt and tbh it’s sweat city and usually quite visible. Seems unsustainable unless it’s worn outside the shirt and that’s not for me.

Fuck I absolutely hate everything he’s doing in regard to trying to resistance train his neck. That screams injury to me and is way too over complicated.

This little calisthenics dude has some great tips and a disgustingly can do attitude. I hate him but I love him.

Though realistically Jake just be mindful of it and sit the fuck up straight when you feel your inner Quasimodo taking over. This is coming from someone who was essentially told by their doctor they have dog shit posture.

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Jeff Nippard put out an interesting vid on this topic some time ago. The theory is that peoples thinking is slightly skewed on this issue.

Thing is you can keep doing this till the cows come home but it doesn’t fix what’s causing the shoulders to round and all the other problems. Uses a lot of energy to maintain that effort without getting any easier over time.

Whichever way it’s done you still can’t really get past putting in some time and effort to address the muscle and mobility issues. So many different ways people are achieving this.

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Jeff Nips is awful too bro, you’re watching some bad fitness gurus. Please don’t follow up with an AthleanX video

Who’s the bigger fraud? Pep or AthleanX?


“sit up straight and stop being bitch”

“Regards, SRCJJ”


In terms of posture @JakeyBoy , there are a number of better answers in this thread already lol, however, I find personally that doing a BodyPump session at the gym helps.

You’re working every single (main) muscle in your body and you do walk out standing erect (I could think of no other word this morning, I’m sorry)

I’d definitely add some rowing exercises to that too. You won’t target the back that much with deadlifts alone.
Bent over rows (dumbell or barbell), seated rows, kroc rows, T bar… Etc etc. You can hardly go wrong with these.

Not sure if these would help too, but I’ll just post them anyway…


My buddy has a herniated disc and his doctor has said that swimming is good gentle rehab for it, so I’ve been getting up at 6:30am every morning to go swim with him and keep him company in the canals here in Copenhagen :joy:

Never thought I’d do that especially since I’ve been going to bed at like 1am every night but I’m absolutely loving swimming in the morning as a way to start my day. Feels fantastic especially as the weather has been so good.


Edit: Nevermind, didn’t feel comfortable leaving this up :joy: :joy: