Health and Fitness

Was roasting here today and I’m on annual leave for the next two weeks :heart_eyes: so took advantage of the weather and done a 12k walk.


Legs are feeling it today :joy::joy::joy:

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Ran 8 miles to work and the shower room was locked. :roll_eyes:


You have shower rooms at work? That’s cool. One place I worked had everything, including a gym! But most places I worked at had nothing of the sort. I used to go running at lunch time sometimes and would go into the gym round the corner (where I was a member obviously) just to shower :smile:

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We have gym facilities but I get a better deal outside tbh.

What’d you do???

Sink job. Had enough wash stuff and only skeleton staff in…
Staying socially distancing though for the lads sake.

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Rough. I’ve been there. It ain’t pretty. :bergkamp2:

I ruptured my calf muscle and I can honestly say I’ve never had pain like it . My calf went black , orange, red then blue . I’ve now got a walnut size lump as a reminder. Christ Stroller, I’ve never had pain like it .

That sounds horrendous mate. Pain of that magnitude is psychologically massive as much as anything else.

You ain’t kidding
A couple of years ago I had plantar fasciitis
Fuck me , a ruptured calf was painful but planter was spawned from Satan . My only comfort was a pair of safety Wellingtons from screwfix . I would wish planter fasciitis on my worse enemy unless they played for Liverpool

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Policeman’s heel?


I’ve not heard that phrase but Christ the pain, if I remember it’s the tendons underneath the foot . :exploding_head:

Now that’s what you call peak performance.

I ran 8.37 miles today. Took me just over an hour.


Autumn best time of year for running imo.

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So it finally happened, my best friend died this morning. RIP Skippy, thanks for the last 7 years bud.



You know what, I liked the post thinking your dog had died and that was their lead, initially. I think I’ll take that like back.


@stroller @shamrockgooner @Phoebica @Joshua

Went on my standard 8.37 mile run yesterday.

I think I’ve done the side of my knee in. I felt it while I was running. In my infinite wisdom, I carried on :roll_eyes: weirdly, it didn’t affect my time too much, either.

Tried to climb the stairs when I got back. Aargh, excruciating. Climbing down the stairs was worse.

Seemingly slept it off. Went (don’t shoot me) to train at the dojo again today. Again, didn’t feel too bad while doing it, but now it feels back to what it was yesterday again.

I’ve read on the internet there isn’t a cure :pensive:

Any of you ever experienced this?

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