Health and Fitness

That’s amazing man and really inspires and motivates me!

Absolutely sick transformation

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Sick transformation bro! Very admirable mate. And physique aside, very glad to hear you are in a much better place today :pray:t3:

That’s impressive commitment, more so as you’ve invested time, effort and emotion in their.

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How tall are you? I’m 70kg also and don’t look half the size of you man! Proof:

You look fucking amazing! Absolute tanned Jeff Nippard over here, you should be seriously proud and I’m sure your dad is too, honestly a great physique.


@SRCJJ done a madness bro.

Was 75kg at my best now up to 85kg. So in need of a cut but I genuinely am shit at it.

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I’m 5’7 mate, so I’m not tall by any stretch of the imagination. Wbu?

You look stern. Strong physique all round !

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It’s the absolute worst.

By the end of today I’d have eaten roughly 1900 calories, done 40 minutes of fasted cardio then also done an evening gym session (pull day today).

All I’m dreaming about right now is a pack of 4 milk chocolate cookies from Greggs, a large BBQ base, beef, chicken and onion pizza from Dominos and some damn peanut butter on my bagels.

Tomorrow’s cheat meal is going to be a treat.


Same height, that’s crazy. You’ve clearly just got loads of fat in the shape of muscle, given the weight similarity also. Fat cunt.


Haha to be fair we look around the same size tbh :grin:

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Not a chance mate absolute pythons and boulder shoulders you’ve got going on! Can tell you’ve worked so hard

Im an endo man. What do you think is the best cutting method?

Not sure on @SRCJJ ‘s but a calorie deficit, high protein and still lifting heavy, and sprints a few times a week seems to work well for me.

Also are those green air max 97s? If so you’ve class taste I own a pair too.

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I did keto in the past which worked but soon as i introduced carbs the weight came back. Endos and carbs dont mix well but keto long term aint good for your body. Also could swear it gave me gout at one point :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, I mean I wouldn’t entirely rule out carbs, but for me some seem to work better than others. Pasta before a workout for example seems to really help. I’ll throw in a couple kiwis and bananas for energy then and I’m good to go, pre workout has never worked for me, I am immune.

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Keto is not worth it. I’ve never tried it, but it just seems like a horrible thing to do to yourself.

Maybe fasting every so often?

diet and gym my ass. Synthol is the best and safest option to get absolutely SWOLE biiiiiatch !


From all of my experience, talking to people who’ve competed regularly, coaches and just research the overriding themes of cutting are pretty consistent throughout:

Cardio, calorie deficit and good sessions.

I shoot for 40 minutes fasted cardio 7 days a week at the moment (I’m trying to get as shredded as possible before my holiday in Bali). I’m on roughly 1900-2000 calories a day. I’m on about 180g protein, 200g carbs and probably only around 30g fats a day right now.

But the closer I get to my holiday the lower I’ll bring it down. My current shape is near enough my maintenance shape for most of the year, but I do want to get leaner.

I’d say bro, chuck some fasted cardio in if you can. Or cardio of any sorts about 4 days a week, keep lifting heavy weights and just keep your diet in check and the weight drops itself.


They’re black and white 97s. I’ve got a few pairs but no green ones haha

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71 kilos is really impressive.
I have recently cut down a bit and I lost just 3 kilo net.

I just measured myself after my trip and cheat days post it, I weigh 83 atm.
Need to go down till 75 before summer trip, which includes adding muscles.

Lord have mercy.

Thanks for the advice bro. :ok_hand:

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