Gun Violence in the USA

The town over from where I lived as a kid.

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Oh fuck no. What is going on in the US. My wife is going on a business trip to the US in 2 weeks and am telling her to keep non-official stuff to a minimum. This is beyond worrying now. This reminds me of IEDs in Iraq post the US invasion. You’d hear of one every other day.

So the idea you need military grade weapons for self protection is beyond belief but stems back to this; amendment;

  1. a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.
    “an amendment to existing bail laws”

The USA 2nd…

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This was an old law designed to protect against the idea of tyrannical government’s. Please elaborate my seppo brothers how Ar15s for home robbery defences remotly reolates to this?! Idiots

So back in '96 we had 35 poor folk killed by a sicko… so we changed our gun laws… guess how many mass shootings since?..

hyper paranoia state created by sensational media rant to follow

Have some perspective no?

And the law was set when muzzle loading flint lock muskets ruled the battle field.

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Yes its sad … my country is bout to claim a few nuke subs for bout 470+b… we have highest housing prices globally and massive social issues … but we still a minion no?

If only all these shopping mall patrons were carrying military grade weapons, none of this would have happened.

I absolutely detest these gun defending psychopaths. Disgusting.


Spot on.

US citizens seem to be fair game for execution once they’re out of the womb.

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Widespread outrage and immediate action to curtail the proliferation of guns. Well done.


America is a beautiful country to live in, bar the gun law. And it touched me on a deeper level last year when I was in Buffalo visiting a friend when the race motivated shooting happened at a supermarket there. And it’s one of the main reasons I left my job there to come back to my third world country. I know some people will call me crazy and whatnot for leaving that potential cush life to come back to my home country, but it dawned on me that day that I’d very much prefer to stay alive lol. My sister still opted to stay in the states while I came back. So each to their own I guess. The money back home will never be as good as in the states(though it’s still decent), but atleast I won’t have to move around in fear every day I leave my house or strike a conversation with someone. And I also missed my family and wife a bit, so it probably helped ease my decision I guess.


I’d like to see them try that in the US. They’d be rioting in the streets before lunch time :slight_smile:

Try what exactly

I think Jules means the crackdown on gun ownership as they swiftly did in Serbia after their worst shootings in modern times?

If he could clarify it could be discussed further :slight_smile:

Don’t know which so called third world country you belong to but here in India, while the money can’t match what you’d be paid in the US (simple currency conversion), the money goes a long way in getting certain comforts that wouldn’t be affordable in the US or any other developed country. I have a maid and a housekeeper that take care of everything at my home, and I pay them next to nothing in USD. I also have a guy that cleans my cars everyday, and if I wanted, I could easily afford a full time chauffeur, like many people do here. So third world countries have their advantages :smiley:

Was this really the case? I mean, that’s horrible. I suppose the problem is so widespread that you never know when you might come face to face with it.

Yeah, not worth it if you can’t enjoy it with your family.

I’m from Nepal, so I’m quite accustomed to the comfort and luxury you speak of, with us both having similar social structures :slightly_smiling_face: The money here is pretty good for a decent lifestyle. I was just talking about it in comparison to the states.