Great Books on Arsenal

Just recently read a fab new book on untold Arsenal, written by a fan - totally recommend it!!!. Anyone else read it yet?:

Add all your other Arsenal Book recommendations here? I am a big reader


Would like to read this one in the future:

The Romford Pelé: It’s Only Ray Parlour’s Autobiography

Tom Whittaker’s Arsenal Story. great book if you can get hold of a copy, they are on ebay but can be a bit pricey.
Allison Calling by George Allison, another great insight into the history of Arsenal…on ebay theres a copy for £6
a good website to read up on Arsenal stuff is

I’d be surprised if this is news to anyone, but Fever Pitch is fucking excellent and essential reading for any gooner. I’d recommend it to any football fan in fact.

Long overdue a re-read now I think about it.


Fever Piych changed my life. I will be forever grateful to Hornby.

And George Graham of course. No Anfield 89 no great ending.
In short no book.

Watched Tom Watt do his reading adaptation of this in Liverpool a few years back with a mate.
The Anfield moment was brilliant and taking in good spirit to be fair.
Everton fans loved it too. Personally not a big fan of the film though.

Having read the book in my early teens I decided to never watch the film because I knew that nothing would ever be able to top the nook, all the film could do is diminish the greatness of Fever Pitch.

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The Arsenal shirt was a great book. List and describes all our shirts and describes memorable moments over the years.
Great reading how the iconic shirt came into being and the traditions of the captains call on sleeves.
Coffee table book and over twenty quid but pure class for me.


Haven’t read this yet but know the bloke that wrote it… Some very lively games along the way.

@Cristo autobiography


All good reads

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Charles Buchans football monthly. Arsenal gift book.
Picked this up today for 3 quid in the complete works. Interviews and write ups on Arsenal legends of the past. Cliff Holton, Joe Mercer, Jimmie Logie etc.
Great photos and adverts of the time. @SLAG youd love it.


Ive got this one…@stroller

Got the picture from amazon they want £24 for it…

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I’ve got that one too SLAG :ok_hand:


The Great Joe Mercer


Shredded wheat the breakfast of CHAMPIONS…

Old thread but I am going on holiday this week and wanting to pick up an Arsenal related book. Has anyone read the Mesut Ozil one? And if so, was it any good?

Ray Parlour autobiography is really good.

It was probably written by the guy that does his tweets yagunnersya