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Ahh yes the innumerable talents of nepo babies like Paris Hilton, The Kardashians etc.


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I was focusing on the athletes, film stars etc part - seeing as weā€™re all posting on a football forum that shouldnā€™t be too controversial.

Besides, by definition monarchs are literally the ultimate nepo babies lol

Not my king.
Not my god.
Not my government.
Not my idea of decent weather.

F**k this pathetic, backwards, brexit-voting, cold, miserable country.


I mean tbh this has really pissed me off the last couple of weeks.

When the f*** am I gonna be able to mow the lawn?!

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Perhaps I can introduce you to ā€œNo mow Mayā€. We donā€™t cut our lawn in May to encourage bees and other essential wildlife.

The bad news is, Iā€™d checked the medium-term forecast for the UK before saying that. Itā€™s grim reading, what Iā€™d give just for some ā€œmehā€ weather soon.

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Today seems to be the only pocket of ā€œnon-rainā€ day. Grass is wet because of the washout yesterday and, as you say, itā€™s only going to get worse in terms of rain over the next week.

Crack open a beer and watch the bees today. And maybe some magpies later.

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To me thatā€™s madness. Spend money on watching some leeches put on an embarrassing show in the 21st century.

A lot of people are just inherently subservient characters. Itā€™s what it is, but I detest the monarchy and everything that comes with it. And this counts for any monarchy, including the Dutch one.


Gotta admit though, it is quite baller to steal riches from other countries, and then wear them on your head for all to see :slight_smile:

Charlie should have worn some shades at the coronation

Itā€™s baller until the head rolls on the floor detached from the body. Like the French did with their monarchy :slight_smile:


There is lots out there like this from yesterday.

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Thatā€™s exactly what you should be doing you dumb cunt


Did anyone ask him what the point of electing them would be then? :joy:


Would you look at that? The police apologising for the arrests that led to no charges


We seem to have fuck loads of starling nesting in the roofs of some of the houses where I am, luckily the little bastards havenā€™t invaded me yet but they do invade my lawn and the seed I out down last weekā€¦ Little bastards :joy: The bees and do what they want though, got some nice lavender out the front for those.


I have tried almost everything to try and prevent this (all but putting a scarecrow up lol)

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Invest in about half a dozen cats thatā€™ll do the trick

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Weā€™ve got 5 cats, they bring us a mouse every evening, sometimes alive, sometimes dead. Sometimes pigeons and rats too.

One of our cats has tried to impress us by killing a mouse with a death shake, degutting it with his teeth, spitting out the innards then crunching the bones with his teeth and swallowing it whole. It was both amazing and horrific.

Weā€™re doing ā€œNo mow Mayā€, giving the bees and insects a good supply of flowers while other summer flowers are still budding. The lavender bed is full of bees. I bloody love being in my garden, Iā€™m so lucky to have one.


Lock down certainly gave me perspective on having a garden and when I bought a new house two years ago I chose the one with the biggest garden. I wouldā€™ve been so fucked of I didnā€™t have one through that. As silly as it sounds, I too feel super lucky to have a decent sized garden.


My cats invite all the other cats over, the dogs arenā€™t impressed so they have to guard the chickens. Itā€™s full on cats vs dogs here

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