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That’s not what I perceive the union to be about. Very few times and usually the last measure a union calls for strike action on.
I do believe that if you are in the union you have to abide by the outcome of ballots. No different to motions put forward at local or national level.

Despite what you think people should do, it is not the case that anyone has to abide by a trade union ballot. A trade union is a business that stays in business by providing a service to those who pay for it. They cannot compel anyone to do anything.

A union is not a sacred institution, they are fallible in their representation of their members, often ignorant of the challenges that some of their members face and in the case of unions I have direct experience of, spend a disproportionate amount of their money on hospitality for their senior figures.

It’s strength comes from unity and is only as strong as the backing or not as given.
As such It’s chances of success for ALL ITS Members comes from this.
It’s not hard to workout no matter now much adverse aversion you try to spin on it.

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It’s not spin, nobody is required to strike.

Just because the strike is more effective if I take part, doesn’t mean I have to. I don’t owe the union anything, and neither does anyone else.

It’s a bit of pragmatism re. What the ideal is Vs the reality of people with financial worries and families etc.

I’m trying to convince as many of my colleagues to strike so we can minimise the number that choose not to. But I know 100% of people won’t.

Doctor fresh from Pakistan or India whose visa sponsor is their NHS trust - in the NHS trust to give vague information re their strike rights and right to remain.

I can understand they have reservations about striking.

So you try and convince them but if still no not much more you can do, if still say sign up, vote to strike but come into work

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I don’t know how the unions work in the UK. But here we have a “safety net” for those who are on strike. The union can pay up to 70-80% of the wages when on strike. Thing is, if there’s a strike here every member participates. The companies know this too, that’s why it’s effective if it comes to it.


Sounds like your fighting the union tbh. It’s not about owing the union.
It’s supposed to be a collective rather than individual thing.
Not hard to understand really.


Im not fighting them at all. I’m not saying people shouldn’t strike, the union is what it is, a flawed business. It’s not a social institution.

Plenty of social institutions are flawed business. Your just using it as a singular thing. I believe it too be a collective thing.
That’s why I feel you should you follow the decision of the ballot.
I just cant get this voting against and then just not accepting the result basically.
I’ve been on the receiving end of a lot results not gone my way and you accept the process.

I didn’t vote against striking. I have no issue with the strike at all. But I am not surrendering my own resources, that I use to support my child and myself with, out of some misguided sense of solidarity.

The pandemic taught me that seeing things in those terms is a mistake, you spend time, energy and resources on things that aren’t your priority, whilst the things you should be most important lose out. Nobody is ever going to fight my corner or that of my daughter beyond saying some nice words of encouragement. So fighting someone else’s corner without a common need is absolutely wrong for me.

Well I feel because we don’t do those things enough is why we are weak and poor apathetic society.
Whether you see that as ideological nonsense is your opinion but one I basically follow.
It’s not an exact science and open too interpretation but what my life experience has led me to believe in.


When the French strike they do it properly


Bastille Bastards, as they’re affectionately known

No they’re not they are ordinary folks protesting against the government not a terrorist

I know that, but the alliteration was bangin’ (if I don’t say so myself)

Didn’t this pension reform seriously damage Macron in the election? Very stubborn.

The victim instantly identified his father from his voice and eyes.

The stunned boy replied: “Are you serious? Do you know who this is?”

The attacker said he didn’t care but the teenager then pulled down the snood to reveal his father and asked: “What are you doing?”

He responded: “I’m sorry, I’m desperate.”

Fucking hell :joy:


Oh Scotland :rofl: lads I think we should set them free

Fucking hell that’s dire

Fuck, that’s desperate.