General News

Being able to marry at 16 is wrong too seeing as that is the age of consent, but then not being able to buy alcohol until you are 18 or 21 ,unable to drive a car until 18 or being able to join the army when you’re 16 seems fucked up as well

From a neurological perspective 16 is way to young, the child still doesn’t have a fully developed frontal lobe which helps in decision making, sound judgment amongst other things, that particular part of the brain doesn’t mature until a person is at least 24; in fact the child is generally led by the limbic region of the brain, that is more regressive and associated with pleasure and good feels. Essentially you are agreeing to child doing things themselves, that they don’t really think about thoroughly enough.

For me allowing 16-18 year olds to vote is redundant, purely because they are easily influenced and can’t make sound judgements in topic.

The legal age for marriage has changed to 18 in England and Wales now. Used to be 16 with parental consent, but now it’s 18 regardless of parental permission.

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I would say 21 for actual surgery.

But if all you want to do is change your sex legally, then I don’t see the issue with it being done at 16. At least that can be reversed.

They can’t vote but they can change gender?

Tbh though I have less concerns about this (a bit of paper) than surgery or hormones.

That = nonono

I would think the harm is the psychological well being.
I don’t think just being able to reverse the procedure is going too be a simple solution from that aspect alone.
16 is the beginning of the process of trying to cross into adult life, regardless of whatever experiences you have already tried. (Drugs,drink, sex) .
Obviously I doubt it’ll be easy to get the procedure without proper consultation but it feels just too young for me.

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It depends if surgery is what you’re talking about. I believe that most trans people don’t go that far.

We strike, @Dr_Strangepass!


Excellent news.

We need a general strike and I don’t think we’re far off one.

Are you talking about surgery?

As I understand it, this is about self identification and being able to change your legal status in line with that.

I am talking about an adminiatrative, legal transition, not medical procedures.

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Apology then. Okay thats a different issue entirely.
More room for scope in the discussion then.

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There will be plenty of teachers who won’t dig in. I’m not judging because I don’t know people’s circumstances, but it is important that the point is made.

For me it isn’t about pay but conditions. Somebody explained to me that it is about pay. The Job role isn’t respected because the salary is low for a so called professional job.

4 days of Netflix incoming.

I must confess, I don’t really know how any of this works. I voted to strike, but I’m not very familiar with how it will work - presumably TA’s and those not striking will keep the schools open for babysitting services? I’m also assuming we don’t get paid for the strike days, which is fine of course.

I think you stand there and listen to car horns :slight_smile:


We have trains on our line (Greater Anglia) that are built by a Swiss firm (Stadler) and they’re the best new trains on the network by a country mile.

They were ordered at the same time as another batch of new commuter trains to be built in the UK (Bombardier/Alstom, Derby).

The Swiss trains were in service 18 months before the UK ones and are now winning industry awards. The UK ones…about 40 are still to be delivered and the last one will enter service 3.5 years’ late. And they rattle like fuck already.

Full Disclosure -Train Geek outing himself here.

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Yeah unpaid, schools make their own decisions on whether they can open or not.

Not on a night picket you don’t :upside_down_face:

Honestly fuck them so much


Capitalism has failed.


I think this is a case of buying gas when it was more expensive. So no matter how low it goes, they want to sell it at the price they bought it for, and not it’s current value.