General News

That is absolutely madness, can’t believe those articles

Some media organisations, both left and right, often take a position for the sake of it. I wouldnt expect Vice to come up with anything else tbh


Yeah, it’s mind boggling to see these sites coming up with these articles despite the mountains of evidence(against Heard) out there. The only explanation for this is that they must be intentionally doing it for hits/clicks.

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Propaganda. :man_shrugging:t4:

They are all in unison writing the same article and pushing it out. Agenda.

Yes both bias media does it.

This time the left media outlets are shameless.

And it’s not the first time media sends the same message in unison after an event.

I will keep collecting this next time something happens. We are being gaslit.

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She was recorded literally saying this to Depp. And the MSM have the gall to use a legitimate movement like the #metoo to peddle their disingenuous narrative.

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This times 10. Fuck Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.

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Or they’re a bunch of lazy bastards incentivized to drive clicks to their rag news papers by creating fake controversies out of nothing.

Most news outlets are about getting advertising dollars. It’s not to inform or provide a broader perspective.

It still influences people and gaslights them.

The articles are also more or less the same.

I find it highly highly manipulative.

That’s true. I was speaking more toward your suggestion of an agenda which suggests these shit news stories are coordinated.

I’m of the mind that the agenda behind the vast majority these kinds of stories is money.

I think they are coordinated and they’re click bait indeed.

Indulging a person with a medical diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder.

The problem is. These people already have a conclusion with their talking points and politics in mind. Then adjust the facts to make the conclusion.

Whereas people’s should look at the facts and then use them to come to the conclusion.

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I do worry about this civil case having an impact on people reporting abuse allegations or recanting statements in criminal cases because they aren’t “perfect” victims.

I tried a domestic assault case like six years ago with a defendant who admitted to assaulting his partner, wrote her a letter from jail asking her to lie on the stand and still got a not guilty from the jury after like five minutes because the victim (on cross examination) told the jury that she had pushed him on a different occasion.

Was this victim perfect? No. Absolutely not. She and the person charged had committed robberies together in the past. They had physically abused each other. But that wasn’t what was at issue in this case and I worry that it will cause people to avoid reporting really serious assaults.


It’s a strange one indeed, because it was Amber Heard who won the criminal case. But then gets sued when she talks about it.

And it’s the result of the criminal case which is what is driving this animosity towards the civil decision.

I think you’ve done a good job of making the point that I reckon a lot of those articles are poorly trying to make. In this individual case (Heard) it’s pretty clear that she was massively in the wrong (although not entirely) and it’s not much of a stretch to see how given the publicity involved that thinking can potentially lead into thinking involving other cases.

It’s not a given it will happen. It certainly won’t happen in every case but like you say, it’s a concern. And a valid one.

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Was there a criminal case? Source?

I can’t find anything on this.

I remain of the opinion she hurt #metoo and the case for abused women. Lying under oath, making up wildest accusations. Changing her testimony.

Countless of respectable witnesses told us otherwise. So everyone: the police, the security guard, the TMZ employee, Kate Moss, the psychologist, the photo manipulation expert and so forth is lying except for Amber heard?

Given how she abused her former partner and her own sister as well. Given the copious amounts of evidence of abuse by her of Depp.

I am inclined not to believe her and to tell us otherwise by the media is pure and simple gaslighting.

Yes Even though this case was probably called correctly you can still worry about the consequences of the verdict.

Let’s not suddenly pretend like the masses (or individuals) instantly act perfectly rational and with full information as to what went on in this particular case.

The rest of the (involved) world should put some effort into clarifying that this particular case won’t affect how other victims are seen or treated. We all understand that it is difficult enough for abuse victims to take action.

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You wouldn’t even know we have a jubilee here no shitty union jacks in site. You love to see it


Someone fixed Heard’s statement after the verdict. :slight_smile:

Sir Tony Blair apparently.

The ruling class are just laughing at us lol

It’s nowhere near as big as the BBC coverage is trying to make you believe.
Sure there was opinion polls having 54 percent not interested.
If I have to see that poncey cunt Giles Brandreth one more time this weekend. . .