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Its not acceptable but I can see why people get pushed to the limit if they are stopping them talking children to school so they can actually go to work. Do these people not have jobs to do themselves.

Violence is never the answer but some people resort to it if they get pushed to the limit

Why do people go to fucking pieces when protests happen in this country.
Fucking hell itā€™s the statue situation all over again.
Do people just want fucking petitions and hashtags. Ffs.


Itā€™s not a case of not liking them, that is too simplistic, but these people are in the wrongā€¦
What would you do if these protesters stopped you rushing a family member to hospital, and things turned out really badā€¦
I bet everyone would think differently about things thenā€¦

They should write to their MP, or organise a large leaflet campaign. Thatā€™ll do the job.


It happened a stroke victim couldnā€™t get to the hospital because of them and she is now permanently paralysed.

Was that woman rushing someone to hospital?

No. She wasnā€™t. So if weā€™re discussing the validity of her actions, how about we actually stick to her evident motivations, rather than inventing situations to try and justify what she did?

Protests inconvenience people. Thatā€™s kinda the point.


So what do you say to the stroke victim that has life changing neurological problems and paralysis because them? Sorry Itā€™s a minor inconvenience but itā€™s for the greater good.

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And this is why our species is doomed.

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Because people are stupid enough to sit in the road?

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All I see is a bunch of wealthy middle class pricks on a holy crusade to feel good about themselves, all while creating havoc for the working class.

If we were discussing that case, Iā€™d likely be saying something different. But we arenā€™t, weā€™re discussing a very specific incident and the reasons why it happened, and whether or not it was justified within the context of that specific situation.

If the video I had just watched contained a woman screaming that her mum had just had a stroke and she needed to get to the hospital Iā€™d be evaluating the situation differently.

But that isnā€™t what inspired her to assault a protestor, the reason was that her kid was gonna be late to school, which isnā€™t remotely the same level of severity, is it?

Wait, her kid was late for school and that is a defence for running someone over?

In this thread, apparently so lol

Yeah itā€™s minor inconvenience for isnā€™t it? clearly what they doing is creating problems for people getting to work, going to job interviews and getting to hospital. Last week alone a video of ambulance paramedics asking to move because theyā€™re taking some to hospital and they refused.

Itā€™s something that is boiling over clearly.

What, your child being late for school for one day out of an entire school year?

Yes, thatā€™s absolutely a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things lol

Well I hope she enjoys her time in prison.

I must say though, Iā€™ve re-read this again and Iā€™m really enjoying this sentence haha :grin:


Range Rover lady just looks and sounds like a trash person.