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Context to her response? I’ve no idea.

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Bumhappy you fking moron internet operative. Your propaganda director should slap you for the above statement.

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How can people have faith in an organisation that takes but doesn’t give back?

It’s easy to manipulate people.
They teach children that, if they do anything wrong, an invisible friend will punish them.
They go on about love and tolerance, yet religion is full of hate, threats and intolerance.


Dude, seriously. You need to relax.

Edit: Bitch, you’ve never turned the other cheek.

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Or right so in that sense should we judge Individuals by the group then?

@InvincibleDB10 most Christians don’t even follow the organisation, so why condemn them?

You tell us. You know you want too.

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Not sure how anyone can say anything positive about the institution that is the Catholic Church. We’re talking nearly 2000 years of abusing and exploiting their followers in every single way that is humanly possible.

No one is condemning Christian’s on the whole, or catholics for that matter. Sure there are Muslims and Peoples of other faiths who have committed horrible crimes over the years however there isn’t any institution that is comparable in the Islamic faith or the Jewish faith or any other major world faith. The scope and size of the Catholic Church dwarves some governments bro.


My only issue with Christians, is most don’t act very Christian :stuck_out_tongue:


What I hate most is the defence of Christianity because it’s considered some kind of morale compass. So without it we wouldn’t have any morals at all? Maybe we would have accepted diversity and differences much more without it, cos let’s face it - how accepting of other people are some fanatic Christians?


That’s true for the vast majority of religions. Bumhappy framing it, as he always does, as us versus them is what greatly irritates some on this board.

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100 percent this. People say just let people practice religion and respect them.
Why when it causes so much trouble. Anyway nobody religious ever respected anyone who doesn’t believe.


The Catholic church is one of the richest and most corrupt organisations, who get their wealth from having power over the people.

They have murdered and stolen for centuries yet their followers still give them money and obey their ridiculous rules because of the threats from a mythical being.

This fear has proved to be an extremely efficient way of controlling them, while making the church rich and powerful.

I can’t remember who it was, but a famous leader said that religion teaches love, forgiveness and tolerance but often they are the least forgiving and intolerant people he had met.


I know that already even I think there is problem with the Catholic Church; however the issue here is people on here put them in the same bracket as the believers.

@InvincibleDB10 yeah some Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus etc are intolerable, should we condemn everyone of them? Also all these religions has done or currently in bloodshed should all the people engaged in faith be condemned.

For people that claim to be so tolerant of others you guys really comes across the opposite.

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A fool that acts a fool for others is just fool with no thoughts of his own.

No one did that until you entered the discussion.
No one was blaming Christians. All the arguments were either against Catholic Church or Religion in general.


Bro what century do you live in??? People chop and change churches if they feel something isn’t right, and most Christians and religious folk use church as a communal area; hell the people doesn’t even tell people to go to church

Yesterday I found myself looking at the wealthiest religious organisations. Yestersday I learnt that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a worth of $100 billion. My mind is still blown.


And that’s just the stuff people know about.


I can vouch for this. My company supplies product involved in renovating their churches across the UK and it’s not cheap.