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How much money do you guys think you waste monthly on stuffs like subscriptions, takeouts and in hindsight could do without

Anonymous polling

  • < 100 euros
  • 100-200
  • 200-500
  • more than 500

0 voters

Monthly or yearly?


Wonā€™t be more than Ā£100 for myself.

Less than Ā£10

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@Calum letā€™s jump this paedo cunt :henry2:


Damn, looks like the boomers are right. We do spend money on needless stuffs which cumulatively will add up to a significant amount

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American Hollywood liberals

If course see that idiot chopra is involved in this

Iā€™m probably in the 200-500 range as I buy a coffee and lunch everyday at work for a start, youā€™d say I could bring lunch from home but I just like it made fresh when Iā€™m out in the field and donā€™t have facilities to store it in.

Iā€™ve also got all sorts of pay TV that are also a luxury etc.

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Shitā€¦ weā€™re including coffee? Iā€™ve vastly underestimated.


Iā€™m not sure does coffee count ? I legit need it to get through my morning haha.


I hear that. Tho less so when I work from home. I know you donā€™t have that luxury.

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This was my original point.

But the reality is that house ownership seems so out of reach for so many that they spend their money on little things that will bring them some measure of joy, because the bigger things in life feel beyond them.

Cutting out avocados and lattes isnā€™t enough to make house ownership seem much more viable for a hell of a lot of people.

The desperation from some people to deny that a different generation might just have it harder in some respects is just sad.


Boomers love to think theyā€™re the Greatest Generation without realising theyā€™re the most privileged and entitled generation to ever live.


Your chance will come lads to tell the next generation of how tough it was.:wink:

We had Thatcher as well. You had Blair.


As I said, everyone thinks that they know more than the older generation but that they are also wiser than than the younger generation. :grinning:

But I donā€™t see how the boomers are more entitled or privileged than this generation.
Most people over forty would go to junior school with a pen and some books in a bag.
Kids now have mobile phones and any information they want on it.

Younger people now have considerably more luxuries than any previous generation and if you think it was easy to buy a house in the eighties or nineties, it really wasnā€™t.
You had to go without a lot of things to save up and afford it.

Iā€™m not saying that house prices in certain areas arenā€™t high now but a lot of my friends moved away from the place they were brought up in, so they could afford to buy somewhere.

What ever time you grow up, you always think you have it harder than the previous generation, but in reality itā€™s always easier no matter when it was.


Iā€™ve got four parents/step parents who tell me it was easier for them than it was for their kids :man_shrugging:


Iā€™m gonna have to say we to get more luxuries earlier in life for eg.

Eg my Grandparents arrived in Australia at 5 years of age or so and didnā€™t go back overseas until around 60 years of age on a holiday.

By the time I was mid to late 20s I had been to Europe twice, the states, Thailand and NZ. Not to mention lots of places within Australia.


To buy a house or in general?
Because looking for work in the eighties. along with more than four million unemployed and no minimum wage, if you could find a job, certainly wasnā€™t easier.