General News

Many places in the developing world are in chaos currently. Strongmen on every continent clinging to power by any means.



The leaders of BLM blames the US for Cuba.

Democrats socialist coming out in support of the Cuban government :rofl: you can’t make this shit up.

Disgusting. There should be nothing offensive about someone wearing a headscarf it doesn’t cover their face.


Sounds like they just reaffirmed the 2017 ruling.

Things like this make me so glad we brexited

I agree with the verdict if the aim is to maintain the neutrality of the work environment.

We used to have uniforms for a reason and we deviated from it with an understanding that we would maintain a proper dress code which would be neutral in terms of income, religion & sexuality.

Women especially completely violate these codes. I have seen quite a few wear slacks rather than trousers, sleeveless tops with frills. It’s ridiculous. Be glamourous elsewhere.
Plain/Stripped Shirts, Formal Trousers…Stick to the damn protocol.

And yeah headscarf can go as well. You can live without it.

Lol this is just so ignorant I wouldn’t even know where to start. It’s got nothing to do with neutrality. Wearing a scarf to cover your hair is not an issue.


A headscarf affects absolutely nobody. Cowardly decision, fucking hell fire.


It’s a religious expression.
Do you see anyone else apart from Muslims wearing it voluntarily?
No because it is not a voluntary desire.

It is a religious expression and ideally shouldn’t have any place in workplace.
This goes for everything, not just headscarf.

Same goes for Kirpan for Sikhs, Excessive bangals that Rajasthanis wear, Hindu Pagdi etc etc.

None of those things affect anybody but it is out of place

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When I was growing up in Catholic 80’s and 90’s Ireland yes, absolutely. It’s basically not a thing anymore though.

Don’t think they were called hijabs mind.


Yeah bigger things to discuss than religious artefacts in the workplace.

Bigger for who? It’s not a religious “artefact” it’s an important part of a Muslim woman’s identity. Taking that opportunity for her to work in certain places away from her unless she adheres to some restrictive new law is frankly deplorable.

I come from a Muslim family, my mother and my sisters all proudly wear their headscarf and it offends nobody of sane mind nor is it some overt religious expression which impacts upon their ability to do their job or be professional at work.


We were talking about just how important a headscarf is yesterday @ryaninho @mhappy @Aussiegooner


Yeah doesn’t cause any threat but it’s not stopping someone from working either. I’d rather wear my own gear for work but it’s not allowed.
Had enough religious nonesense causing issues everywhere in the world since ive been born.
Seems to me when people go around with the respect religions stuff, that nobody who doesn’t believe gets any respect at all.


But it would. A lot of Muslims subscribe to the belief that a Muslim woman must wear a headscarf so if you stop someone who identifies with that belief from wearing a headscarf then you are creating an unnecessary barrier between that person and work.

Someone can still wear a full work uniform with a headscarf. It’s such a minor issue that banning it is part of an obvious and continued attempt to make life difficult for Muslims in Europe.

Maybe you aren’t a huge fan of religion and that’s fine, neither am I. I’ve long left religion behind me, but I cannot ever support something like this. It’s oppressive

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On the flipside, it gives women a good & valid excuse to move away from the patriarchaly imposed attire and have some freedom

Lol not everyone who wears a headscarf is some brutally repressed woman who deep down desires freedom.

Such a stupid thought process. Nobody makes my mum or my sisters wear a headscarf, and some of my sisters don’t wear it. (2 do, 2 don’t).

None of them are oppressed, they are all happy with the choices they make.


“A muslim woman MUST wear a headscarf”

Not every woman is oppressed but fair bit are.

Where are you getting a fair bit from? Just guess work right?

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Yeah well guess work ofcourse