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I wonder if society would have a different perspective if it were combat sports, and we had to watch a women being beaten up by someone who lived most of their life as a man.


It happens in UFC according to Joe Rogan. And it happens in highschool wrestling


Iā€™ve listened to a lot of Rogan. Never have I heard him say there are trans women in the UFC who used to be men.

I do remember him talking about one case, where some guy transitioned and was beating up girls in wrestling.

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Yea he has said in the past few years, it might be another no holds barred franchise though I donā€™t keep up with that sport. Heā€™s my only reference point

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You must be thinking of someone else.

Nah definitely him

Then youā€™re definitely misquoting him. Heā€™d probably lose his job if he was accusing women fighters in the UFC of secretly being trans.

Whoā€™s going to sack him, himself?

All it takes is a quick google

Heā€™s gone harder than those quotes but Iā€™m not digging them up

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Obviously Iā€™m talking about those holding the tournament not us plebs :neutral_face:

Well that wasnā€™t obvious at all. But why would they say it? The rules are set and sheā€™s met the rules. They could definitely have stricter rules though.

I thought it was since we were talking about but sorry about that I probably wasnā€™t clear enough. meeting regulation means nothing if you lived as a man for 34 years.

It means sheā€™s in the competition.

Did Fallon Fox absolutely fuck a female fighter up by cracking her skull ? Then said she enjoyed it.

This whole trans discussion seems to shit on woman. Shared toilets, unfair sports and combat, not being called a mother anymore or whatever all that bollox was.


Yep the women said they had never felt blows like that before

I remember the spat with Fallon Fox. Never came close to fighting in the UFC.

That was after she did fight and put one fighter in hospital with a caved in eye socket that could if killed her

Iā€™ve no idea as I donā€™t follow the sport. I just remember Rogan referencing MMA trans fighters fucking up women MMA fighters.

The whole trans thing is a complicated issue. I think part of the issue is if youā€™re a homosexual male and you see men being only attracted to women, itā€™d make you want to be a woman because otherwise you feel unattractive to the people you fancy. So if that was the case it would be a psychological issue. Maybe homosexual romatic dramas should be encouraged more so.

I have a female friend who had a trans partner, who was an ex female. Whoā€™d get constantly jealous and angry that sheā€™d be cheating with a man and sheā€™d abuse my friend because of this jealousy. My friend wasnā€™t cheating on their partner but it was obvious the partner felt inadequate because they werenā€™t the role they thought they should be in relation to their partner.

Russia donā€™t mess about do they ffs :joy:

Russia is a paper tiger.

Living off the back of the reputation of USSRā€™s powers during the cold war and even then by the 90s they were severely weakened.

We give them way too much respect.