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By not compromising I meant that you will ignore all the backlash to the gesture because as you said you feel that if it convinces anyone at all, that’s better than convincing no one at all. “Not compromising” might be the wrong language but I simply meant that from your perspective any possible downside to this such as the booing and other forms of backlash isn’t worth stopping the gesture because you see it as doing more good in the end, which I understand.

Look people can ignore these couple of seconds with a couple of mutterings to the mate next to them if they like.
They can scroll on the phone. Sip a drink but the fact we have a reaction now is a bit strange and not simply just people protesting about having politics forced on them.
There is an issue here being dismissed when it seems obvious to me personally what it is.


They’d boo the anthem too, if they were against politics in sports.

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I think the booing is a childish reaction and shouldn’t happen, but I also think that to interpret it as racism is to miss the point about what the majority of these people are booing for. I have no doubt that a segment of the people doing that are backwards assholes who maybe see this as their chance to fit in with the crowd and from their perspective be racist pricks, but I think that doesn’t explain the real core of why it’s happening.

I don’t see how ten seconds of a gesture can illicit a reaction of this sort.
It’s too short to piss you off without an agenda. Let’s remember the game hasn’t had fans attending long enough really since locked down to be pissed off about it.


Thanks for clarifying.

Look, backlash is always inevitable. It doesn’t matter which way it’s presented. People are full of it when it comes to that. If it wasn’t about BLM. They’ll pull up a different issue. It is what it is. If you have convictions to have to stand your ground, getting dissuaded by some negativity would be pretty weak.

Since he was bought up before, the way Kaepernick went about it is about as harmless as it gets and people still found issue with it. I’ll keep it short I don’t think the problem is with the message. The kneeling takes up a couple of seconds you can blink and miss it.

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A national anthem isn’t inherently political. At least it isn’t meant to be

It was fairly frequent for England fans to whistle and boo other nations anthems in international matches to be disrespectful over political differences, Ireland and Argentina during the 80s come to mind

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Anthem is not political being proud of you country is not political. Some have made it so which is silly

No but frankly I think this partly explains it, because when these fans were sitting at home watching on the TV they were likely getting tired of it then and so when they finally got back into stadiums after over a year they saw it as their opportunity to finally make themselves heard about it. I honestly do wonder if that has made the backlash worse.

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I actually have less of a problem with what Kaepernick did because like I said above regarding Hamza Choudrey, I think an individual making his own decision to communicate a message is different than a gesture being mandated from the top down and putting people in a position where they must adhere to the protocols or otherwise be at risk of being branded a bigot, or at the very least someone who isn’t concerned about a hugely important issue. As I said, I’m not necessarily that sympathetic towards the people who are reacting to it in this way but I do think that it’s a predictable response for a number of reasons that go beyond them being racist.

Never had issues like this when it was tee shirts in warm ups.
Why not? Could it be there’s no cameras at that time. Less impact on the target audience? IMO it is.

I think the fundamental issue is that we are probably talking about two different groups of people engaging in the same act; those are genuine racist pricks who see this as a chance to make themselves feel good for a few minutes, and also those who understand the issue but see the gesture as an empty act taking place at a venue that they fill should be devoid of politics. The booing is wrong but the second group I truly believe is bigger than the first, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part.

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I’m going to disagree but respectfully with you because I think you have argued well tbf and think we have come as far as we can with each other.


Nation states are highly political, and therefore, the anthems are too.
It would be easier if they could just admit that they disagree with the politics, and what they’re doing, and not that they want no politics in sports.



A new level of cuntism.

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That’s a shame that they won’t get to see the masterpiece that is the interview on reruns then.

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I am behind him if he wages war on skinny jeans.

Abomination of an invention from gay fashion designers.



At least he admits it’s fucking stupid


The mind absolutely boggles.

I heard something about him being “ex-gay” the other day but wasn’t sure if it was just some Twitter troll memery but nope.

Really bizarre guy.