General News

That’s where he’s originally from, he claimed he was born in London, but my cousin saying he was actually born in Barbados before his parents came here in the 70s. Either way he was a British citizen been here his whole life and got stripped of his Nationality one time and sent back. Not sure if it is the same as Shamimas case in regards to citizenship.

But it’s happened to lots of other people here as well, people who haven’t even committed any kind of crime my wife’s grandad never got his citizenship and was sent back to Anguilla even though he been here since the 60s, some of her cousins also been having some issues. I don’t really know the details to be honest though.


Remember when @BizzySignal didn’t like these threads. Turned into a bloody Don in them now.:wink:


He’s a legendary poster :sunglasses:


Haha just trying to get on you guys level :facepunch:t4::muscle:t4:


There are accounts where radicalized individuals grew up and realized their mistake. Some of them went on to be consultants to make sure society can combat radicalisation.
We should always be open to sympathy.
It just doesn’t seem like she was in a place where she deserved one during the time of her interview.

I don’t have a definitive opinion on this bit.
I am torn to be honest.

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204 posts were split to a new topic: Meghan Markle & The Artist Formerly Known As Prince Harry


Charged with Murder now

Horrific and very disturbing

I’m closing this thread temporarily, nothing to do with anyones conduct or the opinions expressed, just so I can move all the posts to a new thread without ten new ones being made. Sometimes The General News Thread gets dominated by a topic that has grown to warrant its own thread.



Really horrible story, doesn’t look like there will be a good outcome :frowning:

Makes it even worse when the key suspect is a met police officer too.

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Notice how it’s always feminine words and things that are undermined for this stupid woke shite.

These student middle class identity lovers will be the death of us all. Authoritarian idiots.


Article says man and woman, mother and father, not just mother. And then about not using terms like manpower, mankind etc

Doesn’t seem disproportionately condemnatory of feminine words to me, the masculine equivalents are getting the same treatment.

Where the hell does this obsession with redefining everything come from lol.


It’s all nonsense driven by a tiny sub set ideologically pure leftist radicals. Universities are their breeding ground


What does it even solve?