General News

Didn’t even notice that haha thank god

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Hey @DavidHillier remember when we joked about in the Southampton game thread:

well, we beat them and now look what’s happened:

2020 doing its best 2020 impression


I remember when everyone was glad to see the back of 2016, boy will NYE celebrations be big this year haha


This will never end :man_facepalming:t5:

China get the hattrick! The crowd all dies


January was the only good month of 2020 :rofl:

February you were just waiting for it to hit

March onwards :wastebasket:

Also what was wrong with 2016? All I can remember was a bunch of celebrities died haha

Meant to be one of the best years of my life.

Bastards abusing animals and rampant capitalism had to strike though.


The people who achieved everything they wanted to in 2020 in January and February are laughing


Unai knew.

He got sacked in November so he could have the last four months of normality for a good while to himself.

He seen it coming.

Yeah celebrity deaths, brexit and Donald Trump. Of course the last two depend on your political persuasion but either way it was a hectic year :joy:

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Inner Mongolia isn’t China though

But yeah Fuck China

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Dude’s a bit worked up. I find it funny when people bitch about “censorship” while broadcasting their message to the entire world.

Yeah it’s China I’ve been there :smiley:


Today I learnt there is a place outside Mongolia called inner Mongolia.
Never trust your common sense.


That’s Jonathan Pie’s whole shtick

Just because he isn’t censored doesn’t mean it isn’t an issue?

2020 was cool up until Kobe died on the 26th of Jan and then it all went to shit.

They spelt Wolverhampton wrong. Spelt it atrociously. It doesn’t start with an M and end with an A