General News

Amazing :giroud2:

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I hope there’s a gold mine here given all the effort both countries are putting into this.

If it meant we are behind all this bullshit, I would gladly cut off Kashmir and hand the stupid thing over but it’s Kashmir now and then it will be Chandigarh & Himachal.

Great pie chart that look at the numbers and the colour coding saying something completely different ffs :rofl::rofl:


Terrorist attack in Glasgow?

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God that’s awful

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There’s a shit world that still exists with or without this virus.


Horrible stuff smh

chaos in the city centre around the hotel apparently.

So it’s not terrorism. It needs a label so a virtue signaller can tell me what to think and explain why I’m scum if I don’t.


Was it a guy stabbing asylum seekers or an asylum seeker stabbing people?

The hotel is shut to the public because of lockdown and only being used as emergency accommodation for asylum seekers during it so it must be the second option?

It must be the second because the are afraid to label it as terrorism

I think it was an asylum seeker stabbing asylum seekers and a policeman.

It isn’t being treated as terrorism because they don’t think it was terrorism.

‘afraid’ doesn’t come into it, but of course you know that :facepalm:


Was the guy who targeted Gay people the other day an asylum seeker?


They shouldn’t be classed as Terrorism.

This guy has made life difficult for all asylum seekers.

According to the interview on Sky News, the conditions are awful no wonder something happened, if they weren’t jn the hotel between 1 and 3 they missed lunch if they weren’t in the hotel between 5 and 8 they missed dinner and if they missed dinner they would have nothing…and the WiFi is bad.

Sounds like when I was living in a half-way house.

Am I reading it right that they would miss lunch and dinner if they were not in hotel during those times?
During lockdown, how do you even miss lunch and dinner?