General News

Eh no.

Too late. Iā€™ve just came off the phone and weā€™ve agreed to it mate.

@Electrifying I didnā€™t mean we take the place of Hong Kong haha


Get rid of Scottish :white_check_mark:
Get world city Hong Kong in return :white_check_mark:
Get nuked by China bringing about the near end of life on Earth :x:


This is your opening for Chaplin speech isnā€™t it mate.

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What the fuck is wrong with these cunts that brought these charges in the first place.


Jesus fucking wept.


Makes you think about the potential unintended consequences of the way people are shamed online and the ills of social media.

Must have been depressed by the thought that all her good work as a lawyer got tarnished by one drunk incident.

I sympathize but itā€™s a consequence of her own action rather than social media trolling. Should have known how much alcohol she can handle.

This is going to happen more often.
Bullying and blackmail are becoming more common, on social media and the shaming of people, for what is sometimes no more than drunken misbehaviour, will lead to more incidents like this.


Jon Ronson wrote a book about this, ā€˜So youā€™ve been publicly shamedā€™ which I thought was quite a good read.


Iā€™d heard of the book already, but got more interested after he was on Buxtonā€™s pod. Iā€™m just so fucking lazy when it comes to reading

Yea Iā€™ve been slacking on reading lately. I do audiobooks a fair bit now.

I have the book but weā€™re in separate countries so thatā€™s not much use to you :santi:

Itā€™s like revenge porn. The sender of revenge porn gets sent to jail but how does the victim bounce back from it?

I heard that there was this wedding in Canada. Kitchener, I think it was. Asian couple. The brideā€™s ex comes in at the reception, starts distributing pictures of her participating in a sex act. Donā€™t know how the girl can come back from thatā€¦

some guy quit GOP now because of dolan urging others to follow. Muricans, do you think this will catch on?

Every single time its the Africans and Arabs in the comments. Just fuck off and support someone else please


Itā€™s not just Africans and Arabs :man_shrugging:t2:




In general yes but every time Arsenal or the premier league tweet this and you click the personā€™s account they are are from one of these countries

And I saw plenty of European, Asians and Latin American people running wild on the comments on Instagram so letā€™s not act like itā€™s only African and Arabs.