General News

If we can solve nuclear fusion (big if tbf but last I read they were making good progress) the waste could be recycled for more fuel.

However that is a long way away


Idno if you watch anything else she (Sabine) puts out but she is a pretty interesting contrarian in the world of theoretical physics and has some very valid arguments and points.

I guess Kanye hanging out with Milo Yiannopolous and Nick Fuentes is a fairly natural progression given his recent behaviour, but fuck me :grimacing: / :joy:


Even before the “death” con thing I really never like Ye

It’s gone past needing better mental health but he’s just a bad dude


I never warmed to him on a personal level, but remain a big fan of his first two albums and his early production work. Not really a fan of 808 and Heartbreak and everything that followed.

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123 posts were merged into an existing topic: Racism & Sexism (etc) discussion

Total garbage album.


Shame shame shame

Read the telegraph

He’s a lieing cunt mate. The fucking news just keep calling the strike on pay.
It’s the least of the concerns. There’s agenda for wholesale changes after agreements being ripped up.
Proposals for redundancies that have been masked as voluntary.
The numbers don’t compute and are far bigger than quoted.
This cunt was in charge of track and trace. Really fucking believable CV that gives us.


After the government did a good thing by approving construction of a nuclear power plant they of course had to cancel that put by opening a new coal mine.

Why are they so moronic

If the Tory’s stay in power, the poor will be foraging for food and the lovely Terese Coffey will be reopening workhouses for people who can’t afford it.


We need coal for so much industrial/manufacturing, and it makes sense to produce it ourselves rather than someone else mine it, and then we import it, which ends up being an even bigger carbon footprint.

This is good news for all the miners to produce even more coal to keep the fires going on in hell making sure Thatcher burns for evermore.


We should be updating our industries to use new sources of energy ahead of archaic coal.

No matter how impractical, it’s more practical than an unlivable world.

The hold these fossil dinosaurs have on governments is shocking and will kill us all

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The biggest consumer of coal (outside of coal power plants) is the steel industry. I’m not sure how you could reform that to not use coal.

Nah, but apparently it is a Tory MPs job to turn up to their local food banks for tone deaf PR opportunities from time to time.



There is nothing our awful tabloids won’t stoop to


Stuff like this feels super mild next to hacking the voicemails of a murdered teenager.


This is horrendous.

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