European Super League

Seeing Europe’s elite coming together like:

Pep basically stealing my lines word for word. Knew we shared the same footballing brain.


If UEFA were sensible they would use this to instigate more financially responsible regulations, budget caps and the like.

To stop the club’s spending themselves into ruin. The ESL is happening because the big glxubs realise the gold rush is on the way out but they can’t sustain themselves without a boom.

But no matter what, those days aren’t coming back.

And sports need to be saved from themselves. F1 realised that. And if it takes this for that to happen, then fine.


Man I can practically see the hypocrisy dripping from that sound bite.


Yes he is manager of Man City. But he still made some good points.

Footballers are rich, therefore aren’t allowed to comment. Managers are puppets of rich owners and therefore aren’t allowed to comment either.


I agree with what he is saying. Especially about the likes of Ajax, who have won what, 4 CL titles? Are they allowed to come and play with the big boys?


Says the manager of MANCHESTER CITY.

Edit: Ops wrong thread, someone wanna help me out?


All done brother.

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“Silent” Stan really earning his title now


He’s definitely saying it for a much different reason than you are, this will negatively affect City’s broken monopoly and strangle hold over football here.

Once again purely self vested interests.

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Pep can STFU.

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You can’t really detach yourself when you’re the manager of a club that has done so much damage to the football landscape and competitive merit. By virtue of being the coach you endorse the practices of the club and owners.

If he has an issue with anything city has done he’d resign on principle


Is this prick reading this from somewhere? Look at him glance down at 0:23 and pause for a bit like he is reading his notes.

Btw, remember when City weren’t banned last summer and Pep defended them with his life? Bit pathetic this.


Fuck off bald shiny cunt.

Done more to damage football than most. Helping create these arms races that cannibalised football and caused this situation.


It’s not about the wealth, it’s about the means. Manchester City have hardly gone about it in the most ‘sporting’ of manners.


Ultimately this is it. I can see why it’s a massive topic right now, but there’s no point raising your blood pressure over it. So many things could change still as this develops. It could be a pyramid scheme or it could be the best competition in the world. One thing I support fully though is the big fuck you to UEFA.


We spent years getting ready for FFP and I have no doubts that under it we would have thrived. UEFA has itself to blame for this.

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And an even bigger FUCK YOU to all football supporters around the world.

Game is gone!

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So sport is only a sport when you can use billions of blood money from a despotic oil state to dramatically outspend your opponents and tilt the playing field massively in your own favor?

People like Pep don’t want competition decided on sporting merit, they want the illusion of sporting merit as a useful cover for the massive inequalities that structurally advantage them.

(Edit: To be clear, I’m not claiming this is what you believe Phoebica, just hitting out at Pep)


Sorry to break it to you but the game has been massively money orientated for decades now.