Elon Musk (and Ex Twitter)

That is a flat out lie.

Making an observation and a celebration are two different things.


Just because you say “Nah” doesn’t make it true.

You are lying. Provide evidence where I celebrate the AfD instead of make an observation or stfu.

The same way you wrote and quickly deleted your post in here: that I fucking love them. And should stop pretending.

You are doing nothing different than these media who just throw around epiteths on the people that hold different opinion.

We can have a discussion about the AfD and such parties without insinuation.

Equally you saying ‘im just making observations’ doesn’t make it true.

You’re not doing that. You’re consistently calling out one side (as if every single one of them holds the same view) while ignoring the other. But hey, you like Bernie so that proves you aren’t biased.


You don’t provide any examples of me celebrating the AfD. So until you do, I am making an observation.

Secondly everyone has got a bias. You too.

I am calling out one side, especially, because that side holds the mainstream power. I am asking for evidence in context for certain assertions made by these powers.

I like Bernie because he seems consistently holding the same views for decades and mostly views I like.

But, do I understand the popularity of parties like AfD. I certainly do. Especially from ethnic Germans who have seen their cities transform massively over the last decades due to unfettered immigration. Wir schaffen das as Mutti Merkel said. Well, they are not schaffen anything at the moment as their societal fabric is changing and causing tension and violence and their economy is collapsing.

So yes, I can understand the appeal Germans have for a party like the AfD. Doesnt mean I am celebrating it. And you know this very well.

Im not talking about your alleged support of afd.

Where exactly are the left in power these days?

Where’s your criticism of Trump’s comments on Greenland or the Panama Canal? Those are fucking deranged but… crickets

I support them as much as I support the CDU who also attended the meeting.

The mainstream media is largely the mouthpiece for the establishment parties - forget the traditional left.

And it is glorious indeed that these establishment parties have lost in the USA and the power of the mainstream media and celebrity endorsement got egg on their face. This I celebrate.

I hate the hypocrisy of the establishment.

Trump’s comments on Greenland and Panama Canal. Yeah they are ridiculous and stupid as fuck. I also know nothing will come of it. Unlike you and your friends, I know Trump doesn’t hold dictatorial power to decide these things by himself and Congress with high probability will not pass any dumbass ideas like these.

I don’t think anything will come of it either. But that means it shouldn’t be called out?

They deserve credit for the empty air they give to the issues that matter but other empty air should be ignored? Make up your mind.

What you say doesn’t make any sense.

I don’t see you or anyone else calling out every good or bad thing from any side.

You can call it out and I can reply, I agree it is ridiculous. As just happened.

This is nonsense. Societal fabric, custom, culture yada yada. All vague phrases to obfuscate from the real source of peoples struggles today.

Say it with me C-A-P-I-T-A-L-I-S-M

You often mention the so called uniparty but every time will throw on a cape for the apartheid emerald heir even when he’s now become the de facto leader of said party.

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By the way @Forever for the sake of accuracy since you’re doing that thing again where you get ahead of yourself.

  1. You asked what makes them controversial, not whether they are a neo-nazi party
  2. You asked for ‘specific/any example’
  3. I never said they were anyway. (Don’t think you’re referring to me, but you’re slowly basing your argument around something no one here said) I said association or ‘comfort’. Or in more clear words, sympathetic.

However in interests of good faith I do agree the BBC article isn’t the best. Here’s another which actually names somebody (as per your criticism):

Several AfD officials met with right-wing extremists and neo-Nazi activists in a hotel near Berlin in November, according to the Correctiv report. The AfD officials — including Roland Hartwig*,* right-hand man to party co-leader Alice Weidel — met figures including Martin Sellner, an Austrian right-wing extremist in the Identitarian movement, who has admitted to neo-Nazi activity in his youth. Two members of the center-right Christian Democrats (CDU) also attended the meeting, according to the report.

Correction: Politicians do.

On immigration, there has been continuous failure to ‘address the issue’. Or rather as I prefer to see it as: It put their reputation on the line. Unless it’s convenient to do so. Which is usually around election season and the fun times of being in ‘power’ looks to be over. In which immigration is a top concern of the public which is the perfect time to whip out some rhetoric to demonstrate you’re being ‘tough’ (I mean they could just fucking do it instead of bothering the people with what they’re saying, but whatever) yet none of the tough measures manifest at best it’s a fiddle with the rules which changes nothing in the long run.

Politicians talk about this stuff all the time, in fact they bloody talk too much. Far too disproportionately to what is being solved in real time.

I see no reason to give the ‘right’ any credit for what is already the norm. People’s dislike of politicians, politicians and the system already comes from dynamics such as these.

Elon’s MAGA misery is such a double edged sword.
While all the meltdown is funnt, it has unearthed dormant racism towards Indians.

Do you lot know about the alt account Elon uses to talk in Twitter spaces?

I would say ‘do enlighten’ - if was arsed enough to look at it, which I’m not.

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I do respect all the achievements and everything but I do think one of the things that may end humanity is letting crazies like this have so much money and power.

This level is historically unprecedented


Yup Adrian Dittman…That’s the alt Elon account I was talking about


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I’m not sure if it’s because of being ‘online aware’ but to have a guy of this influence trawling 4chan is fucking disturbing.


I’m waiting for him to buy a small island nation and start putting up statues of himself.

It already exists.



I guess the £100m donation isn’t coming. Who knew Farage would have the sensible take on Tommy Robinson. Shows how far Musk has gone down the far right rabbit hole.
