Eintracht Frankfurt Vs Arsenal (UEL)

Meh, Valverdemery has actually been quite lucky on the injury front, has had no need of the kind of injury crises his predecessors Tata or Wenger suffered to really let his incompetence shine, so I think the answer is the same as it is to all first team matters that don’t concern the long term future as long as Basque BRod, oops sorry for the disrespect Brendan, I mean Moyes is around: it doesn’t matter.

On that note, these Europa League nubbers are actually the most consequential games we’ll play this season, because they do somewhat concern the long term future. Hoping to see Saka show why he’s the chosen one over Amaechi and for ESR to remind us why he’s the English KDB.

Somebody with a decent stream?

Playing fucking Auba in this. Absolute tosser.


Tbf we’re playing at Eintracht Frankfurt against a manager who is equally mismatched to Valverdemery as Tuchel is to Zidane. He’s actually gone with a pretty bold lineup, I’m surprised even Saka and ESR are playing.

This place became an unbearable mausoleum after the game at the weekend. God help us all if we do badly in this cup too.

You miss the golden age when everyone was in not even Liverpool fans at their delusional worst mode and you could spout your clueless shite and actually be agreed with, no? :crazy_face:

Wasteful FC. Poor by Saka then


Young players are being muscled off the ball by Frankfurt.

How’s the game? Is no one watching this? I’m omw home from work

Lots of long range shots. That’s all you’re missing.

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Looks like Torreira broke his leg…

Ah ffs

He got up!

Looks like he can walk it off



Bollocks :expressionless:


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Emery looks like a constipated weasel.

Why do we have to underestimate our opponents (again)???

Soo many chances both sides

We played a strong team. How is that underestimating them?

Uruguayan steel. :muscle::muscle::muscle:


We have NO midfield lol

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We’re not. we’re just shite


Ze Germans strolling through our midfield like they walked through the Ardennes.