Denis Suárez

Full name: Denis Suárez Fernández

Date of birth: January 6, 1994
Place of birth: Salceda de Caselas, Spain
Height: 1.76 m
Playing position: Midfielder

Welcome to Arsenal!


you better play in right wing. hello.

How versatile is he?
Can he play at CB?


“Forgive me Jane, I’m getting a sense of deja vu with the name Suarez to Arsenal. That didn’t happen but this one will, so that’s some good news for Arsenal fans.” - Jim White.



We finally signed Suárez :wenger:

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WE GOT HIM! GET IN @Bl1nk! :bellend:

A Spaniard named Denis… what is wrong with the world?

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Is the purchase option in the summer worth 40m and a pound?

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Did you prefer a english named Carlos? :xhaka:

White rabbit in the snow?

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Hattrick against City incoming?

For sure. Carrasco to score the other goal.

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Denis is the name of an accountant from Dubuque, Iowa… not a Spanish footballer.

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Emery da boss :unai:. He made them an offer they couldn’t refuse.

Hope he’s not shite.

One n in Denis @bl1nk :wink:

Already being doom monger? :wink: