David Raya (22)

If we were to merge Raya and Ramsdale together we would probably have a real world beater in our hands. :joy:

Also loses them for Liverpool like last weekend hehe


Anyone else coming over to #Team Raya?

(I still love Ramsdale)


Was team Raya since day 1. Cant stand Haramsdale and his concentration level of a 9 year old.


He bring a great vibe to the team! Heā€™s a real raya sunshine within the squad.


Yeah, some of us noted the calmness and authority he brings in the box from the start.
Pretty positive @Flexo was one of them and shared some early footage indicating that.

I get though that others may have needed more time to notice the difference.

I maintain personally that Ramsdale is the better shot stopper but Raya overall is the better keeper at this time.
My opinion of Ramsdale having the bigger potential also hasnā€™t changed. If Ramsdale works on replicating some of Rayaā€™s main attributes heā€™ll become a top, top keeper.

His performance against Liverpool was really promising.


Not sold on Raya, but fair is fair - heā€™s been really good recently.

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I havenā€™t really been wowed by any of the saves Raya has made this season (except for the spurs shot he saved).

However that 15% crosses saved vs 5% stat has piqued my interest and it would be interesting to see if there was any data or analysis that might be able to suggest how many more points won or saved might have come from that 10%.

I.e. counter-attacks launched from Raya catching a cross that leads to a goal or a goal scoring opportunity denied from a header or scrappy tap-in from a rebound because heā€™s able to catch the cross etc.

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This is the only way to shut up all Ramsdale talks.
If he can perform and keep us all shut, Ramsdale becomes irrelevant.


The biggest gripe was the early mistakes after ramsdale got dropped for next to nothing. He didnā€™t get a chance to earn his place back despite a poor start from raya.

Obviously if raya keeps playing well then itā€™ll just be a shame for ramsdale (seems a nice guy) but Arteta will have been right to persist with him.

Heā€™s been good at crosses for sure. But I genuinely canā€™t remember him making any crucial saves apart from the one against Spurs where they fluffed the shot.



TBF the entire defense has been able to get its collective shit together since the club got back from the Middle East.


Yes, thatā€™s main gripe but at the same time itā€™s hard to really blame him for it because we barely allow any team to have a decent shot on target.
I also think heā€™s been partly responsible for that because of how well he commands the box.

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Criticism gone a bit quiet now.

Hopefully heā€™s gotten used to things but he been pretty secure lately.

Love it.


Saliba and Gabriel wonā€™t let him and Iā€™m fine with that.

Emery team gave leno plenty of opportunities.

The quick distribution :syringe:



Our Short King! :grin:

Just like White against Brentford, people took that Luton performance from Raya and ran with it.

You could see the difference in the way he claims these balls from the very first game against Everton.

His reading of situations is top notch. Dude is like a step or two ahead. While the opponent is trying to put a ball in or attempt a shot, Raya is already thinking of the runners on the counter.


Yeah the issue is people like to talk about the error for the Mudryk goal vs Chelsea, but how many times since then has he commanded his area claimed a cross and sent us on our way with quick precise distribution?

He had a stinker vs Luton though, I wonā€™t defend that game at all.